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Salt Really Does Boost Health Risks

U.S. News and World Report

Links to stroke, cardiovascular disease may make a case for population-wide reduction, review finds
Sat 28 Nov 2009, 14:21

Cuts in salt intake needed worldwide to reduce risk of stroke and heart problems

The Guardian

People who eat high levels of salt have a higher risk of stroke, and possibly heart problems, according to new research. The researchers calculated that cutting salt consumption to recommended levels worldwide might save almost 3 million lives a year, although this would mean persuading whole populations to halve their salt consumption, which isn't likely to be easy.

Sat 28 Nov 2009, 14:18

What about eating one teaspoon of salt a day?


It's widely known that a diet high in salt causes high blood pressure, but new research suggests that reducing daily salt consumption by one teaspoon could also prevent millions of deaths from stroke and cardiovascular disease.

Sat 28 Nov 2009, 14:14

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