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Sleeping problems - Sleepless snackers

New research has revealed that a lack of sleep can cause people to become fat
Thu 13 Jul 2006, 14:36

Not sleeping enough can make you fat

Adults and children who fail to get enough sleep are twice as likely to become obese than people who are not sleep deprived, according to scientists at a Midland university.

The Warwick Medical School study, led by Professor Francesco Cappuccio, found that adults who slept for less than seven hours and children who regularly got less than ten hours' rest faced an increased risk of obesity.
Thu 13 Jul 2006, 14:33

NICE/BHS Hypertension Guideline Review 28 June 2006

The BHS has collaborated with NICE to review their guidelines for the management of hypertension in adults in primary care.
Wed 28 Jun 2006, 13:22

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