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High Salt Intake Linked to Strokes and Cardiovascular Disease

The University of Warwick

Eating high amount of salt is linked to a significantly higher risk of strokes and cardiovascular disease, states a paper published today in the British Medical Journal.

Sat 28 Nov 2009, 14:01

Better care 'if doctors rest'


Doctors working fewer hours - in line with the European Working Time Directive - can have direct benefits for patient safety, research suggests.

Fri 30 Jan 2009, 15:23

BMA warning over law limiting junior doctors' hours

The NHS faces serious problems in the coming year when a European law comes into effect limiting the working hours of junior doctors, the British Medical Association has warned.

It says hospitals are not ready and money from the government to help primary care trusts prepare for the change appears to have disappeared, and has probably been spent on other priorities. Hospitals could find themselves short staffed, which would threaten the quality of care patients receive.

Fri 30 Jan 2009, 15:22

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