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Didgeridoo 'helps sleep problems'

Daily playing of a didgeridoo can help alleviate sleep problems, a study says. Swiss researchers found using the instrument for 25 minutes a day helped people with sleep apnoea, the British Medical Journal reported.
Fri 20 Jan 2006, 15:39

Test can spot 'sleepy' drivers

A driving simulator can easily spot drivers who are in danger of nodding off at the wheel, says a German team. Road accidents are one of the leading causes of death in developed countries and sleepiness at the wheel plays a significant role.
Tue 01 Nov 2005, 11:29

Sleep Over

Are you getting enough sleep? "Most of us need at least six hours," says Professor Francesco Cappuccio, of Warwick Medical School. "Below that and you are likely to show signs of sleep deprivation."
Wed 14 Sep 2005, 12:29

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