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Dr Sagar Jilka publication

Dr Jilka has had a paper published in JMIR Infodemiology.

The paper explores how Dementia misconceptions on Twitter can have detrimental or harmful effects and how machine learning (ML) models codeveloped with carers provide a method to identify these and help in evaluating awareness campaigns.

A study was conducted that aimed to develop an ML model to distinguish between misconceptions and neutral tweets and to develop, deploy, and evaluate an awareness campaign to tackle dementia misconceptions. Taking 1414 tweets rated by carers from previous work, 4 ML models were built. Using a 5-fold cross-validation, the ML models were evaluated and a further blind validation conducted with carers to identify the best 2 ML models. Folloing the blind validation, the best model overall was selected. An awareness campaign was developed and pre-post campaign tweets collected and classified using the ML model as misconceptions or not.