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Official Lectures

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"Scientific evidence and non-scientific threats of population sodium intake reduction to prevent CVD: a case study" ESAN WHO Annual Meeting, Bern, Switzerland [2024]

"Search for causality in observational studies: the case of sleep deprivation" UHCW NHS Trust, Grand Round, Coventry [2024]

"Personal pitch. Misinformation in science: Scientific evidence and non-scientific threats" WAH, WMS, Coventry [2024]


  • "Monitoring population salt intake: analytical methods and worldwide status" FENS 2023: the 14th European Nutrition Conference, Belgrade, Serbia [2023]
  • "Dream environment" PL4NETS 2023, The Gasol Foundation (Live webinar) [2023]
  • "Scientific evidence and non-scientific threats: a case study" UHCW NHS Trust, Grand Round, Coventry [2023]
  • "FOUND: Finding Obstructive sleep apnoea Using a Novel Device" UHCW NHS Trust, Grand Round, Coventry [2023]
  • "Improving sleep quality and duration" ESH Satellite Symposium - Nocturnal blood pressure: methodological aspects, pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical implications. Milan, Italy [2023]
  • "Policy options for a population reduction in sodium intake: scientific evidence and non-scientific threats" Seventh Biennial Championing Public Health Nutrition, Centre for Health Science and Law, Ottawa, Canada [2023]
  • "Hypertension - how to detect, investigate and manage" PLT Coventry and Warwickshire GP [2023]
  • "Salt intake, blood pressure and CVD" Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia [2023]
  • "Salt surveillance activities" Workshop addressing salt, trans fat and sugar reduction strategies in Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia [2023]


  • "Sleep deprivation and cardiovascular disease" Stevo Julius Zagreb Conference, Zagreb, Croatia [2022]
  • "Management of cardiovascular risk in obstructive sleep apnoea" SHARP Annual Scientific Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland [2022]
  • "Nocturnal blood pressure: risks, detection and possible benefits. Why bother & how to measure it?" British and Irish Hypertension Society Symposium, York [2022]
  • "Hypertension: the silent epidemic that still runs the major clinical and economic burden" Menarini Group Symposium: sliding doors in hypertension management, ESC Congress, Barcelona, Spain [2022]
  • "How sleep fuels health, resilience and performance" NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust, Coventry [2022]
  • "How sleep fuels health, resilience and performance" Deloitte, UK, London [2022]
  • "Search for causality in epidemiology: the case of sleep" World Sleep Congress, Rome, Italy [2022]


  • "How to manage difficult hypertension making the most of the new guidelines" FPM online Conference Series on Advances in Clinical Medicine [2021]
  • "Sleep disturbances, hypertension, and cardiovascular risk" 5th Croatian Congress on Hypertension, Zagreb [2021]
  • "Tackling the challenges of nocturnal hypertension: new approach in the diagnosis and management" Live International Webinar [2021]
  • "Reduction in sodium (salt) intake to reduce CVD: implications for actions in children and adolescents". Conference of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Nutrition & Childhood ObesityLink opens in a new window, Lisbon [2021].
  • "Non-scientific threats to public health policies" FPM Live SeminarsLink opens in a new window. Health Policy and Technology at 10: Session 1.1. Vaccines, Trusted Information and Fake News [2021]
  • "Therapeutic inertia: cause and impact against achievement of optimal treatment" Joint ESH-ISH On-Air Meeting 2021 (Topic Workshop on Hot Issues) [2021]
  • "Patient population at risk for cardiac events related to nocturnal hypertension" Joint ESH-ISH On-Air Meeting 2021 (Mini-Symposium) [2021]
  • "Circadian patterns, sleep apnea and non-dipping blood pressure: what is the connection?" Night-time blood pressure in daily home practice, Live and On-demand webinar [2021]
  • "Hypertension: new Guidelines" UHCW NHS Trust Virtual Clinical Series, webinar [2021]
  • "Salt consumption: does it really matter?" Key-Note Speaker. Launch of NATRIJOD SURVEY: salt and iodine consumption in Lithuanian population: national recommendations. Live webinar [2021]
  • "The 'Four Imperatives' of population salt reduction". WHO webinar. Accelerating salt reduction in Europe: launch of a country support package to reduce population salt intake in the WHO European Region [2021]



  • "Sleep and cardio-metabolic risk – a new dimension for prevention and management" German Hypertension League, Berlin [2019]

  • "NICE Hypertension Guidelines for Adults: outside in" British and Irish Hypertension Society Annual Meeting, Birmingham [2019]
  • "Role of governments in food reformulation and monitoring of food composition and consumption" WHO Round table on Food Product Reformulation for Health - focusing on sugar, salt and trans fatty acids, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan [2019]

  • "Salt reduction in the UK and importance of monitoring" WHO Round table on Food Product Reformulation for Health - focusing on sugar, salt and trans fatty acids, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan [2019]

  • "Sleep and cardio-metabolic risk: a new dimension for prevention and management" ESC Congress, Paris [2019]
  • "Sleep and cardio-metabolic risk: a new dimension for prevention and management" ESH Congress, MIlan [2019]
  • "Parallel session 3: NCD surveillance" WHO European High-level Conference on Noncommunicable Diseases, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan [2019]

  • "Parallel Session 1: Salt" WHO European High-level Conference on Noncommunicable Diseases, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan [2019]

  • "Sleep disturbances and cardio-metabolic risk" British Cardiovascular Society Annual Conference, Manchester [2019]
  • "May Measurement Month 2017" Public Health England Annual Conference, Manchester [2019]


  • "Sleep disruption, shift-work and health consequences" Chrono-nutrition: circadian clocks, mealtimes and metabolic disorders, Royal Society of Medicine, London [2018]
  • "Sleep deprivation and cardio-metabolic disease" DLR, Cologne, Germany [2018]
  • "Effects of sleep deprivation" Living with narcolepsy, Royal Society of Medicine, London [2018]
  • "OMRON Academy programme beyond borders" BIHS Annual Scientific Meeting, Cambridge [2018]
  • "Keynote: The science of salt and health: addressing recent controversy" 10th Meeting of WHO European Salt Action Network, Rome, Italy [2018]
  • "Republic of Moldova and Montenegro: new data on sodium consumption from national surveys" 10th Meeting of WHO European Salt Action Network, Rome, Italy [2018]
  • "Sodium and potassium, blood pressure and cardiovascular disease" ESH Summer School, Les Diablerets, Switzerland [2018]
  • "Cardio-metabolic effects of sleep disturbances: implications for obesity and hypertension" Clinical care of obesity and hypertension (EASO, ISH, BIHS, ASO), London [2018]
  • "Salt: update on impact of salt on CVD burden and global initiatives to lower salt intake" EuroPrevent, Ljubljana, Slovenia [2018]
  • "Sleep duration and cardiovascular risk: what's the evidence from observational studies?" EuroPrevent, Ljubljana, Slovenia [2018]
  • "Sleep duration and quality: Relationships with glucose levels and opportunities for intervention" Diabetes UK, ExCel, London [2018]

  • "Keynote Speech: Salt intake, blood pressure and cardiovascular disease" Indian Society of Hypertension, New Delhi, India [2018]


  • "Salt targets - is low salt better?" Hypertension: state of the art 2017, Royal College of Physicians, London [2017]
  • "Sodium and cardiovascular disease" Ethnicity and hypertension in a changing Europe, ESH Satellite Symposium, Florence, Italy [2017]
  • "Keynote Address: Healthy sleep" British Sleep Society, Brighton [2017]
  • "Short sleep, mortality and morbidity: epidemiological findings" Is today's society sleep deprived? Royal Society of Medicine, London [2017]
  • "The Salt Affair" From arterial hypertension to heart disease, Federico II University of Naples, Naples, Italy [2017]


  • 'Keynote Speech: Sodium and potassium intake for stroke prevention: evidence and opportunities" presented at the 10th Annual Stroke Update Conference, Brighton [2016]
  • "Sleep, Health & Society: the contribution of epidemiology" presented at the 2016 Sleep Summit, London O2 [2016]
  • "Why is there controversy about the benefit of moderate dietary salt reduction in populations?" presented at Pulse of Asia, Seoul, South Korea [2016] (Programme)
  • "Lowering salt intake and cardiovascular risk reduction: what is the evidence?" presented at the 26th Scientific Meeting of the ISH, Seoul, South Korea [2016]
  • "Low salt intake saves lives" presented at the Annual Meeting of the British Hypertension Society, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, Republic of Ireland [2016]
  • "Hypertension control: perspectives for Africa" presented at the European Society of Hypertension, Paris, France [2016]

  • "Salt consumption and cardiovascular disease: from etiology to prevention" presented at the 53rd Congress of the ERA-EDTA, Vienna, Austria [2016]

  • "Salt: myths and reality" presented at the 19th Hellenic Congress of Nephrology, Kalamata, Greece [2016]
  • "State of the Art: Salt and health outcomes" presented at the WHO European Salt Action Network, Lisbon, Portugal [2016]
  • "Methods to measure salt intake at individual level: gold standard, proxy and calibration need" presented at the WHO European Salt Action Network, Lisbon, Portugal [2016]