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Hannah Fraser

Job Title
Project Manager
WMS - Health Sciences
Research Interests

Hannah's research focuses on the use of systematic review methods and test accuracy within Health Technology Assessment. She has previously investigated the test accuracy of screening and the benefits of earlier detection for rare diseases in newborns such as long chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase and Tyrosinemia type 1. She has also supported the review of screening for type 2 diabetes. Currently, Hannah provides clinical effectiveness support to the Technology Appraisals undertaken by Warwick Evidence and to rapid reviews commissioned by the National Screening Committee.


Hannah Fraser is a Research Associate in Systematic Reviewing and Health Technology Assessment, joining Warwick Evidence in September 2018. She was previously seconded into a one year Research Associate position within the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care West Midlands (CLAHRC) Theme 3 'Prevention and detection of diseases' team. During this position Hannah led a review on screening for long chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (LCHADD) for the National Screening Committee. Before her appointment at Warwick, Hannah completed a BSc in Psychology, later followed by an MSc in Health research both at the University of Warwick.

Title Funder Award start Award end
NIHR Professorship taylor-phillips National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Dec 2022 30 Nov 2027
WHO: Diabetes screening and prevention reports World Health Organisation 29 Apr 2022 28 Feb 2023