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06 Jan

Make 2025 the year to learn something new

So you know you want to learn something new, but where to start?

The JISC Digital Capabilities Discovery Tool is an online activity for staff and students that is designed to help the individual reflect on their digital capabilities. It produces a personalised profile that identifies current strengths and areas for development and provides links to further support, training and resources based on your profile.

The 'overall digital capabilities survey' takes about 15-20 minutes to complete.

Go to the webpage, log in and select Explore your overall digital capabilities to get started (read the guide for help logging in)

  • Responses and reports are confidential to the individual unless they choose to share them.
  • Organisational administrators will only see aggregated, anonymised data

This tool is available now for all staff and students, follow the link below:

Please note any students completing the 'Overall digital capabilities' survey will be able to count this towards the Student Opportunity Warwick Skills Award initiative.

28 Jun 2024

UoW Academic Technology Newsletter - June 2024

This is to let you know that the last edition of the UoW Academic Technology newsletter is now available. This features a round-up of some of the latest changes, updates and news related to our suite of supported technology enhanced learning tools.

Farewell to Jim Judges who will be leaving Warwick at the end of July. Jim has worked as a Senior Academic Technologist since 2012 and has been a valuable support for the central team and his shoes will be hard to fill. He takes with him a wealth of knowledge and experience and will be sorely missed.

Matt Street (Head of Digital Learning)

As we approach the end of another academic year, we wanted to give you an update about the Digital Learning team.

05 Apr 2024

AI - implications for education and digital healthcare

Round table discussion 

Date/time: 23 April 2024 15:00 - 16:00

Venue: GLT3, Gibbet Hill Campus

Open safe space to share ideas, concerns, and expectations as rapid developments in AI continue to disrupt traditional models of education and healthcare.

Open to all staff and students. 

Please use this booking form to give us an idea of numbers, add any suggestions for AI topics of interest to you and let us know any special requirements you may have.

Contact: Cath Fenn

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