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Meet the committee

Charlotte Pemberton


Phase 2

BSc Nursing (Mental Health)

Aim: promote students' self-awareness of their needs to access earlier support, make information transparent and accessible for all students, increase educational and progression opportunities, and educate others (including staff) on best, accessible practice,

When not studying I'm usually on another project, but also travel whenever possible, hike with my dog, or binge any Netflix show.

Aim: support students with accessibility and inclusion projects, work with WMS to expand my Disability Awareness and Sighted Guiding training (now in our curriculum!), and campaign for Sensory Awareness Training within all Healthcare Environments.

Outside of WMS, I'm a Scout Section Leader with my local group and enjoy spending time with my family.

Tom Paddock

Project Coordinator

Phase 2

BA, Masters, and PGDip in Architecture

Helen Bates

Phys. Health & Carers Chair


BSc Health and Medical Sciences

Aim: ensuring inclusion and equity for all students, utilising lived experiences of common barriers to inform positive change for others, and facilitating communication between students and staff for an improved WMS.

When not studying, I'm spending time with my partner and child, and taking a break from the course!

Aim: to open discussions on accessibility, eliminate ‘problematising’ culture, create a more equitable study environment for disabled students, and initiate policies that benefit all medical students.

Outside of med school (although now I'm graduating), you'll find me at the pub quiz with friends, walking my GIANT dog, reading / watching fantasy stuff, or teaching science to ND school students.

Kirsten Revell

Consultant Chair

Phase 3

CertHE Mental Health Nursing, BSc Psychology, MSc Clinical Neuropsychiatry

Julia Alsop

Student Advocate

Phase 3

BA Music

Aim: provide pastoral support with navigating WMS and university procedures, and push for greater education on disabled identity, accessibility, and inclusion in medical education.

Outside of studying I like listening to classical music and cooking!

Phase Reps

...are a more immediate point of contact; they can signpost you to appropriate support, advise you on University processes, or be an advocate and ally. They can initiate or contribute to Network projects, share cohort-feedback, and provide new perspectives.

There's no concrete requirements - no one needs to identify as disabled to join us! - but you must be intending to support your peers in some way. If you're interested, email usLink opens in a new window anytime!

Undergrad & Postgrad:


Phase I:

Emily Jeffreys

Manuel Giardino

Emily Wright

Grace Fisher

Andrei Balan

Phase II:

Jenna Le Brun Powell


Phase III:

Lauren Turner
