Master's by Research
MSc by Research (no taught components)
- For students who want to gain research experience before undertaking a PhD, or for individuals looking to enhance their career prospects.
- You will undertake a full-year research project in Health Sciences, Biomedical Sciences or Medicine.
- You will develop employability skills and acquire a robust research methodology in an environment that encourages interdisciplinary collaboration and networking.
Got a question?
Get in touch with the
Postgraduate Research Team:
Phone: 024 76 573124
MSc in Medical Sciences

MSc in Health Sciences

General Information
MSc in Medicine

For individuals who are clinically qualified:
For professionals working in a clinical setting, an MSc in Medicine can provide the support you need to:
- Undertake research that will improve your health care practice
- Understand your patients' needs better, improve their health outcomes and your decision-making, change care pathways and improve service organisation
- Enable others to learn from you
If you enjoy the research and make excellent progress, it is possible to convert to studying for a PhD.
It is expected that you will be supervised by a clinical academic. Check potential supervisors in Biomedical Sciences, Applied Health or in the Clinical Trials Unit.
Fees, Entry Requirements and Assessment apply. See 'General Information' above.
Follow the instructions to apply in the 'How to apply' tab.