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Student-Staff Liaison Committees

We meet four times a year, via Teams, to address issues raised by the student body.

Students have at least two representatives from each cohort or year, and our wonderfully diverse student body has additional reps from Networks, specific interest groups, and MedSoc. Staff include Phase or Year Leads, senior leadership, the assessment team, admin leads, and the Student Support team.

We bring issues affecting all students, and those specific to a cohort or group, to the attention of staff; helping solve them through positive change, or forwarding them to the right place. The committee have worked on problems from study spaces and parking to the rising cost of living, and will keep building upon our successes!

Click the tabs to see your representatives, and submit an item for the next agenda.

You Said: We want better access to study spaces for our upcoming exams.

So We: Pushed for more study spaces for our 200 students revising for exams, and the 400 students about to restart clinical placement. The University has since opened the BioMed Grid space for medical students, and made additional rooms available to book.

You Said: Parking is difficult at WMS and hospitals, and public transport makes reaching placement difficult for many.

So We: Are currently developing plans with WMS and the wider University to increase our parking availability.