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SSLC - Student and Staff Liason Committee


The Student and Staff Liason Committee (SSLC) meets once a month, currently via teams, with each year having two representatives on the committee. There are a variety of staff members present, including heads of year groups, senior WMS staff, assessment team representatives, admin leads for each year, and more.

At meetings, we focus on issues that affect all students, but also try to hear issues that are specific to individual cohorts. The aim is to bring any issues to the attention of staff and to help solve these issues, or forward them on to an appropriate forum if we can't immediately deal with them ourselves.

The committee has worked constructively on issues that are important to students, such as study spaces and parking, and we hope to build on these successes as we move forward.

We are fortunate to have a diverse student population at WMS, with many societies doing brilliant work to represent and support all groups of students. These groups and societies are also a great way to bring awareness to issues that specific student groups face; the SSLC seeks input from many of these student-run groups.

We hope to bring a diversity of student voices to the SSLC, to bring positive change and represent the views of the entire WMS community.


You Said: We want access to some study space for our upcoming exams over the next few months.

We Did: We pushed for access to study spaces for our 200 students revising for exams, and the 400 students about to restart clinical placement. The University has since opened the BioMed Grid space for medical student use, and the medical school has made some of its rooms available to book for studying.

You Said: Parking is difficult at the Medical School and at hospitals, and public transport makes getting to placement difficult for some students.

We did: We are currently in communication with the medical school team and wider University to increase parking availability for our students.

Meet some of the SSLC Committee

Thom: SSLC Chair

My name is Thom, third-year student and SSLC Chair.

The role of Chair is to organise SSLC meetings which bring together representatives from each year group, with staff from across the medical school, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to speak.

It’s important to be a good time-keeper and sometimes I have to move things along, as there is a lot to cover!

Emily: Final Year Representative

My name is Emily, and I am a final year medical student at Warwick.

Before coming to Warwick I completed a degree in Human Biology and a Masters in Assisted Reproduction Technology. I worked as an Embryologist for a year in Norfolk before applying to study Medicine at Warwick.

I wanted to part of the SSLC as I feel it is important that students know that their views are conveyed to staff members regularly so that change can happen. This has been particularly important during the pandemic as there have been and continue to be many changes to the learning environment and student experiences.'

Emma: Third Year Representative

Hi, I’m Emma. I initially studied Biochemistry at Oxford, then worked for a few years, including a stint as a civil servant - so lots of long meetings are second nature to me.

I got involved with SSLC as good communication between the medical school and medical students enables us to advocate for students’ needs. This is currently more important than ever: given the last year, it is likely we will be facing unforeseen challenges before we graduate next year.

Dale: Third Year Representative
Hi, I'm Dale, one of the 2018 Cohort and this year's Faculty Rep for WMS. I have been an SSLC Rep for the past two years and I'm hoping to bring my experience into this new role to promote communication and collaboration within the Medical School and help bridge the divide between WMS and the main campus
Gursh: Second Year Representative

Hello! My name is Gursh and I’m in my second year at WMS. Previously, I studied Global Health at Queen Mary and have a strong interest in global and public health.

I have been an active member of the SSLC during both my undergraduate studies and here at WMS. I thoroughly enjoy this role as it allows me to meaningfully engage with my cohort, represent their concerns and help to address them – a process I find hugely rewarding.

Hannah: Second Year Representative

Hi everyone, I’m Hannah and I’m one of the second year SSLC reps.

Before coming to Warwick I completed a degree in psychology and then trained as a speech and language therapist. I worked as a speech and language therapist in acute stroke for 4 years before starting at WMS.

I got involved with SSLC as I think it’s very important that everyone can have their voice heard and I am keen to help implement change to make the course the best it can be for everyone.

Hear from our current committee:

SSLC and Faculty Representative

Past achievement and goals
