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Job Title
WMS - Biomedical Sciences
+44 (0)2476 151168
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Research Interests

Cell division is fundamental to the existence of life. A key part of this process involves the accurate separation of the chromosomes into the two daughter cells - a process called mitosis. Errors in chromosome segregation drive chromosomal instability, aneuploidy and cancer development. Dr. McAinsh's lab of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and technicians are focused on understanding the mechanisms by which kinetochores power chromosome segregation and how the mitotic spindle is self-assembled and positioned during mitosis in human cells. Approaches in the McAinsh lab include live-cell microscope-based assays, computational image analysis and in vitro reconstitution.


Andrew McAinsh is a Professor of Cell Biology at Warwick Medical School and holds a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award and Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award. Following a PhD at Cambridge with Steve Jackson and a postdoc at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with Peter Sorger, where he was Jane Coffin Childs Fellow, he established his independent laboratory in 2005 at the Marie Curie Research Institute. He moved to Warwick in 2009 and is also supported by grants from the BBSRC and MRC.

Title Funder Award start Award end
Kinetochore self-correction mechanisms underlying faithful human chromosome segregation Wellcome Trust 01 Oct 2023 30 Sep 2031
Molecular origin of non-dysjunction in human meiotic and early mitotic divisions Wellcome Trust 01 Oct 2019 31 Mar 2026
New horizons in fertility research: Why do some eggs not work? Wellcome Trust 01 Oct 2020 30 Sep 2024
MRC equipment full proposal MRC 01 Oct 2022 31 Mar 2023
WT Multi-USer Equipment - Full proposal April 2017 Wellcome Trust 01 Aug 2017 31 Jul 2022
Reconstructing cell surface dynamics from diSPIM microscopy data BBSRC 16 Oct 2017 15 Oct 2021
Warwick QBP2 ISSF renewal 2016-2021 Wellcome Trust 01 Oct 2016 30 Sep 2021
Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award Wellcome Trust 01 Apr 2015 31 May 2021
WCPRS - Origins of chromosomal abnormalities in human embryos University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust 02 Oct 2017 01 Apr 2021
Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Awards Royal Society 01 Oct 2015 31 Aug 2020
Egg Sharing Research Programme WPH Charitable Trust 01 Nov 2018 30 Apr 2020
BSCB Hooke Medal British Society for Cell Biology 12 Nov 2017 11 Nov 2018
Mechanisms of spindle checkpoint silencing (Programme Grant renewal) MRC 01 Jan 2013 30 Jun 2018
Career Development Fellowship (de Piccoli): Analysis of novel mechanisms of replisome regulation during replication stress (full application) Cancer Research UK 01 Oct 2013 30 Sep 2016
System-mechanics of the kinetochores: operating principles of a complex mechanochemical engine. BBSRC 01 Jan 2012 17 Jun 2016
Supplement to Transitional Programme Grant (equipment donated in kind) Marie Curie Cancer Care 02 Sep 2010 30 Sep 2012
Marie Curie Cancer Care Transitional Programme Grant Marie Curie Cancer Care 01 Oct 2009 30 Sep 2012