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Single molecule dynamics in a virtual cell combining a 3-dimensional matrix model with random walks

Professor Justin Molloy has a new paper in the journal "Scientific Reports" in collaboration with Gregory I. Mashanov of the Francis Crick institute, London.
The paper describes a multiscale computer model that simulates the dynamics of individual molecules within the complex architecture of a living cell.

The motivation for this work was to develop computational tools to validate and test hypotheses resulting from recent technical advances that allow biologists to directly visualise individual molecules within living cells using video microscopy.

Biological molecules show dynamic changes in structure and position over a very wide range of time and length scales - from nanoseconds to tens of seconds and nanometres to tens of micrometres. These dynamic ranges can be difficult to capture, simulate and model. We present a multiscale modelling environment that helps to bridge the gap between time and length scales and model experimental data sets using relatively simple physical-chemical understandings of molecular interactions and thermal forces.

Read the paper here

Fri 13 Sep 2024, 13:33 | Tags: BMS BMS_newpub

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