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Physics with Business Studies

The degree is designed for students who enjoy physics but wish also to widen their studies in the direction of business, with a view to possible employment in management areas of science-based industries.

During the first two years of the degree, students are based in the Physics department. Students take the core physics courses and in the second year an introductory course on business. They also often take more outside options than physics students including perhaps a foreign language course. In the third year students transfer to the Business School and take business studies courses.

Students initially registered for this programme may transfer to the physics degree programme at the end of either the first or second year. If you decide you would like to follow the four-year MPhys programme in Physics then you must transfer before the end of the third term of the first year. The SITS and UCAS course codes are F3N2 and FN31 respectively.

AIMS (click to expand)