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Course Specifications

The programme consists of a core with further modules taken from options lists. Modules totalling at least 30 CATS credits should be selected from List A. Enough options have to be taken in order to raise the total load to at least 120 CATS credits which is defined to be the normal load for this course, up to a maximum of 150 CATS.

Core Modules Weeks CATS Credit
PX262 Quantum Mechanics and its Applications 1-10, 15-24 15
PX271 Physics Skills 1-10, 15-24 30
PX275 Mathematical Methods for Physicists 1-10, 15-24 15
PX284 Statistical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory and Optics 6-10, 15-24, 30-33 15
    Total: 75
Option List A    
PX280 Environmental Physics 1-10, 15-24 15
PX281 Computational Physics 1-10, 15-24 15
PX282 Stars and the Solar System 1-10, 15-24 15
PX285 Hamiltonian and Fluid Mechanics 1-10, 15-24 15
Option List B    
EP305 Introduction to Secondary School Teaching (Physics) 15-24 15

You are permitted to take one foreign language module in any one year. If you want to take a language option, you should register via the unusual option route once the Language Centre have let you know which is the appropriate module for you.


Where options are taken, so that the load exceeds the normal load, the marks for all modules attempted will appear on your University transcript. The overall year mark will be calculated as the arithmetic mean of the subset of whole modules, weighted according to their credit weighting, which satisfies the course regulations and results in the highest mark.

Before contemplating an overload you should discuss it with your personal tutor and take account of how it affects progression on the MPhys course. We will be monitoring your registrations and you may be asked to discuss the situation with the Director of Studies or the Director of Student Experience. Please note that registering for modules and then not attempting the examination may be considered an abuse of the system and could lead to sanctions.

Option Choices

Please read our guide to choosing options before deciding which options to take. You should also discuss your choice of options with your personal tutor. Current third and fourth year students can also give advice.

The modules listed above are the ones that you will normally be permitted to register for. If you wish to take an unusual option you should consult our document on unusual options prior to taking any such modules. You will only be permitted to take one language course in any one year. You may NOT take PX286 Methods of Mathematical Physics as an unusual option.