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Progress & Assessment

A record is kept of your attendance in the laboratory and at tutorials. Any student whose attendance is unsatisfactory will be required to discuss the matter with the Senior Tutor.

To pass the year you are required to obtain an overall mark of at least 40%, and to have passed whole modules worth at least 90 CATS credits. There is also a condition on passing the IoP core modules (see below). To be eligible to remain on the MPhys programme in year 3 you must obtain an overall mark of 60% and a CATS weighted average mark of 60% over the examined physics modules taken. For more detail on Examinations and Progression, please follow the links in the menu.


The Physics core lectured modules, PX262 Quantum Mechanics and its Applications and PX284 SMETO are assessed by the combination of an examination (85%) and assessed coursework (15%). For PX275 Mathematical Methods for Physicists, the assessment is examination (80%) coursework (20%). The form of the coursework may vary between modules. PX271 Physics Skills and PX281 Computational Physics are both 100% assessed by coursework.

IoP Core

The modules PX262 Quantum Mechanics and its Applications and PX284 SMETO cover the core material required by the Institute of Physics (IoP core). Students must pass the IoP core to proceed onto the third year of the course.

  1. Students, who have a CATS-weighted average over the IoP core of 40% or more and who have 40% or more for the year overall, will be allowed to proceed;
  2. Students, who have a CATS-weighted average over the IoP core modules of less than 40%, and who have 40% or more overall for the year, will be required to retake in September the IOP core exams for which their marks are less than 40%.

(The IoP Core rule does not apply to students on GF13 or F3N2.)