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Student Voice

Feedback from students helps with the development and delivery of the curriculum. The most common routes for providing feedback are as below.

The Staff Student Liaison Committee (SSLC) meets twice a term to discuss any issue relating to teaching. There are four staff members and student representatives from the various degree programmes and all years. The Department aims to publish a response (on the SSLC website) to issues raised at each SSLC meeting within ten days of the meeting. These reports are considered at the following meeting of the SSLC and the Physics Education Committee (PEC). The SSLC Chair and Secretary are members of the PEC.

You will be asked to complete questionnaires for each module. A summary of the responses for each module is kept on file and made available to staff and students.

You often make comments informally (usually in tutorials or in the laboratory) on the lecture and laboratory modules you are taking. We welcome these and will take your comments into account and/or pass them on to the people concerned.

The National Student Survey, or NSS, is a survey which is open each year to graduating students in the UK. You may have seen NSS scores quoted by various organisations such as the Complete University Guide. While these numerical scores help us estimate your satisfaction-levels, it is the free text comments which are particularly valuable. They allow students to identify particular issues worrying them.

We also "listen" to "what you do". We monitor which options you register for and deregister from, and study the performance of your cohort as a whole in the various assessments.


SSLC Actions
SSLC Homepage
