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Events & Observance Days

Find out more about our events and observance days below.

We also host monthly informal catch up meetings which can be found in our calendar.

Mental Health Awareness Week - 13-19 May, 2024

Throughout the week, we will also be circulating emails to the department signposting where support is available.

Lunchtime walks to mark mental health awareness week on monday 13 may and thursday 16 may at 12.30

'Hidden Figures' Film - Monday 11 March, 2024

Hidden Figures film, Monday 11 March

International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February 2024) and International Women's Day (8 March 2024)

Submit your recommendations. 

Recommend a female scientist via our webform at

'Picture a Scientist' Film - Friday 10 November, 2023

Picture a Scientist film, Friday 10 November, 12.30-1.30pm, PLT Science Concourse. Followed by light refreshments, no registration required.

Meet our Female Academics - Wednesday 25 October, 2023

Meet the female academics poster. Wednesday 25th October, Room P521, 3pm

International Women's Day - 8 March, 2023

Event update (03.03.22) Unfortunately, Professor Pam Thomas is unable to join us and we will aim to reschedule her talk for a future date. 

To celebrate International Women's Day and our excellent female staff and students, the department invites all staff, Postgraduate students and female Undergraduate students to join us for lunch.

Registering for the event will help us to accommodate lunch numbers.

Date: Wednesday 8 March

Venue: MAS 2.05/2.06

Time: 12.30-13.30

International Day of Women and Girls in Science - 8 February, 2023

Register for the event.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science Event, 8 February, 13.00-16.00, P521

'Picture a Scientist' Screening - Tuesday 31 January, 2023

Film courtesy of the Department of Chemistry. 

Picture a Scientist Film, Tuesday 31 January 2023

'Breast Cancer - Decision making under uncertainty' talk - Thursday 8 December, 2022

Poster for Professor Sandra Chapman talk

'Picture a Scientist' Screening - Wednesday 2 November, 2022

Film courtesy of Department of Chemistry.

Picture a Scientist Film poster. 2 November, 1.30pm, Room L3

International Women's Day - Tuesday 8 March, 2022

We celebrated International Women's Day by holding an event in the department looking at 'How researchers can use social media effectively' with a focus on LinkedIn and Twitter. LinkedIn and Twitter can help people connect with and promote their work to a worldwide network and has helped bridge the gap during the pandemic, so we thought it would be important to help our department develop their skills in these areas.

International Women's Day poster

International Day of Women and Girls in Science - Friday 11 February, 2022

In 2022, we celebrated the International Day of Women and Girls in Science by hosting a social media campaign on our departmental twitter account. We highlighted some of the fantastic women that work in our department and asked them what highlighting Women in Science means to them. Watch the video below or read the women in physics case studies.