Health and Safety - Artificial Optical Radiation
All work with artificial optical radiation (AOR) at the University of Warwick must be carried out in compliance with the ‘Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010’ (AOR10), as well as other relevant legislation.
Please view the artificial optical radiation (AOR) webpages from Health and Safety Services for instructions that must be followed before working with AOR.
The Department has appointed Laser Safety Officers (LSO's). These individuals have a number of supervisory duties to the lasers that they work with and other areas that they oversee. A list of Department LSO's can be seen below:
1. Gavin Morley (Millburn House)
2. Colin Stephen (Physics)
3. Ben Green (Millburn House)
4. Sen Mou (Physics)
5. Ryan Williams (Millburn House)