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Health and Safety - First Aid

First Aiders for the Physics Department

A complete list of first aiders listed by building is maintained here.Link opens in a new window

Short cuts links are provided for the following spaces:

MAS and MilburnLink opens in a new window

Physics and Physical SciencesLink opens in a new window

Emergency First Aiders

Sue Burrows Room PS1.03 Tel: 024 765 22329
Claire Hurley Room P5.42 Tel: 024 765 24603

If it is not possible to contact one of the first aiders in the Physics department or a neighbouring building, please contact Community Safety on ext: 22083 (024 765 22083) for further assistance or in case of an emergency ext: 22222 (024 765 22222).


Procedure for Reporting Accidents and Incidents

Details of ALL accidents MUST be reported.

Use of the central H&S webpage and links therein which will ensure all relevant people are informed and actions can be taken. Please use the Accident, Incident & Near Miss webpage: Accidents.Link opens in a new window

Alternatively a direct link to the reporting form is hereLink opens in a new window.