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Work commenced to host the 1.2 GHz NMR spectrometer

In May, building work has begun in preparation for the UK’s first 1.2 GHz NMR spectrometer. The spectrometer is funded by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and will be provided by Bruker, with some additional MAS probes from Phoenix.

The new building is being constructed next to the existing 1 GHz magnet hall as well as the main hall hosting NMR magnets from 100 to 850 MHz.

Professor Steven Brown says:

“It is exciting that the project is becoming more concrete as the contractors move onto site to start work on the new building for the state-of-the-art 1.2 GHz NMR spectrometer, for which delivery and installation is expected to be complete by mid 2025. This resource for the scientific community nationally will enable applications from pharmaceuticals to solar cells, from batteries to plant cell walls.”

Pictured is Professor Steven P. Brown and Dr Andy Howes from the Department of Physics, together with the construction team from the University Estates team as well as Deeley Construction, Quantem and CPW.

Pictured is Professor Steven P. Brown and Dr Andy Howes from the Department of Physics, together with the construction team from the University Estates team as well as Deeley Construction, Quantem and CPW.

Fri 24 May 2024, 09:31 | Tags: announcements, Faculty of Science, Feature News