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Warwick Physics Colloquium

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Wed 23 Oct, '24
Olja Panic (Leeds): Deciphering giant planet formation
The multitude of detected exoplanets and their diversity never cease to fascinate us, while the statistical trends emerging from these detections present promising opportunities to delve into the past of planetary systems, all the way back to their formation. Concurrently, observational advances enabled by the world's largest ground-based observatory - ALMA, alongside the suite of telescopes of the European Southern Observatory, are breaking new ground in direct observations of young stars caught in the act of planet formation.
In this talk, I will provide an overview of our observational and theoretical understanding of the formation of gas giants. Sometimes falling in the shadow of the search for another Earth, these planets are equally important to study. They dominate the dynamics of planetary system, influence the habitability of other planets in their systems, and importantly: the only known example of life-harbouring planetary system - our own - hosts them. However, giant planet harbouring systems are not a common outcome of planet formation, which makes it fundamental to study them.
In my research into giant planet formation, I focus on the evolution of planet forming environments of the intermediate mass stars (IMSs). These are the most frequent hosts of giant planet harbouring planetary systems. I use both observational surveys and planet formation simulation to examine planet formation around IMSs in comparison to stars of other masses. In this way, I identify conditions and processes that are central in determining whether a star will host a giant planet. I will present the latest results of this research in the context of exoplanet missions on the horizon.
Wed 6 Nov, '24
Francisco Suzuki-Vidal (First Light Fusion): “From space to the laboratory: The race for fusion energy”

From space to the laboratory: The race for fusion energy

It is not an understatement to say that we are entering a fusion energy era. The quest for fusion energy has been a longstanding endeavour which has taken the scientific community more than half a century to demonstrate energy gain. This was achieved for the first time at the National Ignition Facility (NIF), the largest laser in the world, in December 2022. Since then, the energy gain from the experiment has increased consistently, reaching a record of x2.4 in February 2024. Achieving a burning plasma in the laboratory has validated the physics of inertial fusion and has opened the doors to its commercialisation in views of a clean and abundant energy source. This path, however, comes with new, complex scientific challenges particularly in physics and engineering. Solving these challenges requires a strong synergy between academia, national labs and industry.

In this talk I will go through some of my experiences in the field of high-energy density physics, the study of matter at extreme conditions of pressure, density and temperature, and its close relation to inertial fusion energy. My path has taken me from designing and performing experiments looking at strong shocks for laboratory astrophysics, to managing research collaborations between First Light Fusion and academics. I will give an overview of First Light’s mission, research goals and where do we fit within the UK inertial fusion landscape.

Wed 20 Nov, '24
Wed 4 Dec, '24
Clare Watt (Northumbria): TBD
