Events in Physics
CFSA Seminar - Vanessa Polito & Giulio del Zanna (Cambridge)
Giulio del Zanna: "EUV radiances of the Sun and their changes in the past cycle"
Vanessa Polito: "Spectroscopic observations and modelling of solar flares"
My work focuses on study solar flares by combining observations by recent space satellites such as SDO, Hinode, IRIS. The aim is to understand the physical mechanisms responsible for flares and energetic events in the solar atmosphere. Combining EUV spectroscopy together with multi-wavelength imaging is essential in order to determine the local plasma parameters (i.e. flows, temperatures, densities, plasma emission measure, ion abundances), which can then be matched against predictions from different theoretical flare models. I will present the case study of an X2-class flare which occurred on the 27 October 2014 and was observed simultaneously by IRIS and Hinode/EIS. We find that the observed Doppler shift velocities, temperatures and densities are consistent with a flare model where the heating is produced by a beam of accelerated electrons, as simulated by using the HYDRAD 1D hydrodynamic code.