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RAS-OAD astro4dev grants - RAS

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The Royal Astronomical Society and the Office of Astronomy for Development invite applications for their astro4dev grants. These aim to establish and nurture research, educational and development-related collaborations between the UK and countries where astronomy research is not well established. Scientists, engineers or educators either based in the UK, or travelling to the UK, or to the annual meeting of the European Astronomical Society, may apply. Visits should be preceded with detailed communication with a well established contact person in the destination country. The contact could be via a regional node of the OAD or a personal contact. Applicants should contact the OAD at least eight weeks before proposed travel. Experts visiting from the UK should interact closely with the hosting scientists, engineers or educators and their students, and should deliver topical lectures and seminars that could be of broader interest at the host institution. Visitors to the UK should present a clear programme of wider participation in research, student supervision and public engagement. Grants are usually worth up to £1,000 each for visits lasting at least one week, to cover the costs of travel. The host institution must cover local expenses and arrange accommodation. 


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