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Researcher links workshop grants – Russia

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Primary funder name: British Council

Closing date: 12 Jun 21

Full text:  The British Council invites applications for its researcher links workshop grants. These support workshops that bring together early-career researchers from the UK and Russia to make international connections that can improve the quality of their research. Workshops may focus on a specific research area or an interdisciplinary theme. All natural and applied sciences are covered, but clinical research is excluded. Proposals must have one principal applicant based in the UK and one principal applicant based in Russia. They must both be leading or established researchers who are permanent employees of a non-profit HEI, a UK HEI, a non-profit research organisation or a catapult centre. Organisation affiliated to UK HEIs or any other ountry and based in Russia, for example an overseas campus, may apply as the lead institution in Russia provided that other eligible HEIs or research organisations are also involved as associated partners in-country. Organisations cannot apply as lead institutions in links with their own affiliates in other countries. Each participant must identify up to two leading or established researchers from each country to act as mentors, but the remaining participants must be early-career researchers. Workshops may have between 26 and 4 participants, including the principal applicants and mentors, and participants must be based in the UK or Russia. Workshops must be held in the UK or Russia. They may last for three to four days and must take place between 1 June 2021 and 20 January 2022. Grants are worth up to £51,940 and support international travel, domestic travel, subsistence, event costs and additional workshop costs.


Disciplines: Biological Sciences; Agriculture, Veterinary & Food Science; Physical Sciences and Engineering

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