Events in Physics
Tom van Doorsselaere (KU Leuven): The forward modelling tool FoMo and how it can be used to advance solar coronal physics
Co-authors: Patrick Antolin (St. Andrews), Ding Yuan (Harbin Institute of Technology),Norbert Magyar (KU Leuven), Kostas Karampelas (KU Leuven)
Abstract: In this talk, I will describe the open source numerical code FoMo. The code computes the radiation from optically thin plasma, such as the corona. It is a post-processing tool that converts \rho, T, \vec{v} from a simulation or analytical model to observables. I will give a brief overview on how to use it.
Then, I will focus on one particular topic where this code has been successful. As was previously found, transverse kink waves are Kelvin-Helmholtz unstable. Thus, when driving transverse waves at the footpoints of coronal loops, a turbulent regime will be created. I will use FoMo to show the observability of such turbulently heated coronal loops, which allow for direct comparison with the observations, using e.g. filling factors, DEM and spectral line modelling.