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Tom van Doorsselaere (KU Leuven): The forward modelling tool FoMo and how it can be used to advance solar coronal physics

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Location: PS017

Co-authors: Patrick Antolin (St. Andrews), Ding Yuan (Harbin Institute of Technology),Norbert Magyar (KU Leuven), Kostas Karampelas (KU Leuven)

Abstract: In this talk, I will describe the open source numerical code FoMo. The code computes the radiation from optically thin plasma, such as the corona. It is a post-processing tool that converts \rho, T, \vec{v} from a simulation or analytical model to observables. I will give a brief overview on how to use it.

Then, I will focus on one particular topic where this code has been successful. As was previously found, transverse kink waves are Kelvin-Helmholtz unstable. Thus, when driving transverse waves at the footpoints of coronal loops, a turbulent regime will be created. I will use FoMo to show the observability of such turbulently heated coronal loops, which allow for direct comparison with the observations, using e.g. filling factors, DEM and spectral line modelling.

Tags: CFSA Seminar

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