Events in Physics
Friday, December 09, 2022
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Theory group seminar on "Bioinspired active systems assembled from the bottom-up", SPEAKER: I. GuidoPS 128In nature, the self-assembly of biopolymers and motor proteins in the complex intracellular environment leads to interesting emergent behaviour that is crucial for cellular organisation and motility. Reducing the complexity of these subcellular processes to a tractable set of basic building blocks is a fascinating experimental challenge for the study of fundamental biological mechanisms. An example of such self-organisation is the rhythmic bending of cilia and flagella that promotes fluid transport or propels swimming organisms. We study the mechanical interplay of ciliary components by analysing a minimal synthetic system consisting of one or two microtubules and different types of motor proteins. Alongside the investigation of synthetic cilia, we also focus on microtubule-motor protein active networks. By combining passive components that produce entropic forces and extensile and contractile forces exerted by motors, the networks exhibit nematic organization. The evolution of the system over time is particularly interesting and unique. It undergoes 3D to 2D transition, wrinkling pattern formation, and active turbulence. These minimal synthetic structures can serve as new model systems for the quantitative understanding of fundamental questions about cilia beating and cytoskeletal self-organisation. |