Synergy between Solar and Tokamak Plasma Theory
IOP Plasma Physics Group Meeting & Warwick Physics Day
Wednesday 5th February 2014
The atmosphere of the Sun and in magnetically confined fusion devices (tokamaks) exhibit many common physical phenomena such as magnetohydrodynamic waves, instabilities and magnetic reconnection. It is often quoted that the solar corona and wind are 'natural plasma laboratories’. The aim of this discussion meeting is to bring together the solar and fusion scientific communities in the UK, to identify areas of common interests in magnetohydrodynamics and plasma physics theory and simulations, and to initiate collaborations of mutual benefit.
Prof Philippa Browning (Manchester, UKSP & IOP Plasma Physics Committees),
Mr Martin O’Brien (CCFE)
Dr Christopher Ham (CCFE, IOP Plasma Physics Committee)
Dr Erwin Verwichte (Warwick, LOC)
We encourage attendance from members of the UK solar or tokamak theory/modelling communities, including PhD students as well as more senior researchers, who are interested in working across the interface between these disciplines. However, the number of participants has to be restricted to allow meaningful discussions. The organisers will allocate places in order to achieve a balance of disciplines, institutions and career stages. The focus of the workshop will be discussions on synergies between tokamak and solar plasmas and possible areas of collaboration. A limited time is allocated to allow some participants to present short (10 minute) contributed talks outlining research topics of potential interest to both communities. All participants will be able to present a poster.
Registration (deadline Friday 13 December)
There is no fee, and limited funds may be available to support travel. Accommodation can be arranged for one night before or after for those travelling from long distances.
Preliminary program
10:00 Welcome Tea and Coffee (MAS concourse)
10:30 Overview of Tokamak Plasma Theory – “hot topics” with overlaps with Solar Physics (Prof Steve Cowley, CCFE)
11:15 Solar Plasma Theory: “hot topics” with overlaps with Tokamak Physics (Prof Alan Hood, St Andrews & Prof Tony Arber, Warwick)
12:00 Short delegate presentations
13:00 Lunch
13:45 Parallel discussion sessions: Fluids & Kinetics
15:45 Tea & Coffee
16:15 Plenary: Summary of main conclusions & areas for further discussion/collaboration
17:30 End
Materials and Analytical Sciences (MAS) building, rooms MAS2.05-06
How to get there
Please find the Material and Analytical Sciences (MAS) building via the double doors on the Science concourse. To get here enter through the physics building and enter the Scinece concourse via floor 3. Alternatively take the bridge over library road accessible via the library. Please follow the link to the interactive campus map
Venue and Accommodation
To follow shortly
Erwin Verwichte | Kayleigh Lampard | | |
+44(0)2476 524917 | +44(0)2476 150287 |
Department of Physics | Department of Physics |
University of Warwick | University of Warwick |
Coventry | Coventry |
CV4 7AL | CV4 7AL |