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Uptake of flu, whooping cough, and Covid-19 vaccines remains low among pregnant women, according to University of Warwick research

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Warwick has unveiled crucial insights into the complex factors shaping vaccination decisions among pregnant women, particularly in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

University of Warwick clinical trials set to help people blighted by knee injuries

The University of Warwick is recruiting participants for two clinical trials to help people who have injured their knees through dislocations and tears.

New sleep apnoea diagnostic device could slash waiting times and improve quality of life

A new diagnostic device could help those who experience sleep apnoea get a quicker diagnosis and an improved quality of life.

Thu 04 Jan 2024, 10:27 | Tags: Health, medicine, research, WMS, sleep, Warwickshire, Sciences, Health and Medicine

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