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Which COVID-19 models should we use to make policy decisions?

An International group of researchers, including the University of Warwick, have developed a new process to harness multiple disease models for outbreak management, meaning public health agency can understand the merits of different management options in testing times such as these currently experienced with Covid-19.


Mon 11 May 2020, 09:01 | Tags: School of Life Sciences, infections, coronavirus, disease, Sciences

New e-book highlights the economic factors influencing the outcome of World War II

A new e-book co-edited by award-winning economic historian Professor Mark Harrison of Warwick Economics and CAGE has been published in the week of the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe. The book aims to provide new insight into the significant and sometimes overlooked role that economists played in shaping the conduct of the war and its ultimate outcome.

Mon 04 May 2020, 15:52 | Tags: Publishing, research, Politics, Economics, war, conflict, coronavirus, VE Day, History

How can a safe lockdown exit be designed? The case for a rolling age-release strategy

In a further contribution to the debate about how to balance the need to re-open the economy with the need to protect life, Warwick researchers Andrew Oswald and Nick Powdthavee point out the extreme dangers from any general kind of release from lockdown and present more detailed modelling on the fatality risks faced by different age groups. 

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