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Press Releases

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Innovative Partner Awarded Contract to develop Very Light Rail trackform

The Coventry Very Light Rail project is about to embark on a new adventure, investigating how to create a low cost trackform for the light rail carriages already in development, thanks to £1.5m funding from West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), secured by CCC. This project aims to revolutionise affordable public transport in towns and cities.

Thu 30 Apr 2020, 17:14 | Tags: WMG, Engineering, council, Coventry, Coventry VLR, transport, Sciences

First look at Coventry’s Innovative Light Rail Vehicle

Engineers and researchers at WMG, University of Warwick, are working alongside Transport Design International (TDI), based in Stratford, to develop a battery-powered, lightweight, rail-based vehicle to operate in Coventry.

Thu 14 Mar 2019, 13:04 | Tags: University of Warwick, WMG, Coventry, Coventry VLR, Sciences

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