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Child malnutrition monitoring in Mauritius transformed with mobile technology

Child malnutrition in Mauritius, and across Sub Saharan Africa, could be monitored more accurately and quickly, thanks to simple mobile-based data collection forms, according to new research by the University of Warwick, UK.

Preterm children have similar temperament to children who were institutionally deprived

A child’s temperament is affected by the early stages of their life. Researchers from the University of Warwick, the University of Tennessee, University of Southampton and Kings College London have found children who were born very preterm (under 32 weeks gestation) or very low birthweight (under 1500g) had similar temperamental difficulties in controlling their impulses, to children who experienced institutional deprivation.

Tue 12 Nov 2019, 10:19 | Tags: psychology, preterm babies, childhood development, Sciences

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