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Press Releases

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Declining pay is leaving more schools without a male classroom teacher, study warns

Nearly a third of primary schools do not have a single male classroom teacher, a new study from Warwick Business School shows.

Coventry locals help build new miscarriage support tool

Researchers have developed a new tool to guide miscarriage care for pregnant women using data from Coventry people.

Mon 14 Nov 2022, 10:37 | Tags: NHS, children, Statistics, medicine, Mathematics, research, Charity, Sciences

Coventry schools to build future cities from recycled household items

TeenTech City of Tomorrow will see Coventry school children make a city of recyclable household items, with help from researchers at WMG, University of Warwick who will teach them all about sustainability. A select few ideas – buildings and technology- will then be exhibited at the Coventry Transport Museum.

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