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University of Warwick hosts international child protection conference

The University of Warwick is hosting a major conference about child protection. Taking place between 8 and 11 April 2018, the event is organised by BASPCAN the membership association supporting child protection workers across the United Kingdom.

Wed 04 Apr 2018, 16:18 | Tags: Policy, children, Event, research, community, mental health, WMS, parenting, football, Sport

Football managers must talk the talk as well as walk the walk, research finds.

Football managers must choose their words and their interview strategies with care if they want to win over the fans and project a successful image, according to University of Warwick linguistics expert Kieran File.
In a new paper published in the Journal of Pragmatics, Dr File, from the University’s Centre for Applied Linguistics, explores how the language used by Manchester United manager David Moyes in his post-match interviews may have affected the fans’ confidence in his ability to govern the team.

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