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Press Releases

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Earliest known Mariner’s Astrolabe research published today to go in Guinness Book of Records

Guinness World Records have independently certified an astrolabe excavated from the wreck site of a Portuguese Armada Ship that was part of Vasco da Gama’s second voyage to India in 1502-1503 as the oldest in the world, and have separately certified a ship’s bell (dated 1498) recovered from the same wreck site also as the oldest in the world.

Mon 18 Mar 2019, 08:33 | Tags: WMG, Classics and Ancient History, History, Sciences

The Oculus hosts Professor Michael Scott's Inaugural Lecture

Ancient historian Michael Scott will celebrate his recent appointment as Professor with an inaugural lecture at The Oculus entitled ‘This is Sparta!: The Ancient World Then and Now’ on Wednesday, 20th February 2019.

Medea comes to the Belgrade Theatre

Euripides’ tragedy about love, betrayal and revenge is coming to Coventry. The play will be produced by Classics students at the University of Warwick, and will be performed in the Main Stage of the prestigious Belgrade Theatre in Coventry.

Known as one the most tragic pieces of ancient Greek theatre, the play tells the story of the former barbarian princess Medea and her desire to exact revenge against her unfaithful husband, Jason.

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