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Press Releases

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Warwick Law School hosts Pakistan Human Rights delegation

A delegation from the National Commission for Human Rights, Pakistan, is visiting the University of Warwick to take part in a dialogue on the role of National Human Rights Institutions and a capacity building programme co-ordinated by Warwick Law School.

Transforming gender relations the key to flourishing in older age, researchers say

Research by Professor Ann Stewart of Warwick Law School, supported by Dr Jennifer Lander (now at De Montfort University) into the interaction between gender and ageing in rural Kenya underpins a new discussion paper published in conjunction with HelpAge International as a resource for policymakers, international NGOs, national and local governments, and older people themselves.

Tue 11 Sep 2018, 14:04 | Tags: gender, development, Policy, age, Faculty of Social Science, Law

University receives multi-million pound grants to improve health of the world’s poorest people

The University of Warwick is to receive more than £7 million to find better ways of delivering healthcare to some of the world’s poorest people.

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