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Press Releases

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Minerva Business Angels contribution to regional economy highlighted by new report

A new report commissioned by Midlands Innovation universities has highlighted the contribution made by University of Warwick-based Minerva Business Angels to the region’s investment ecosystem.

Boundary-spanning research centre launches six new projects

From improving mapping of species at risk to analysing the uptake of COVID-19 test and tracing apps by the public, researchers at the University of Warwick's Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM) are launching six new projects investigating how new technologies are shaping society, and demonstrating how data science can tackle current social, political and ecological challenges.

£6 million programme extension to help small manufacturers across the Midlands

The programme delivered by the SME Group at WMG, University of Warwick has been a major success in the West Midlands over the last 2 years, helping over 100 companies, develop 71 new products and processes, from automation and productivity plans through to the zero emission technologies of tomorrow. The team have been awarded a further £6m from to take them through to March 2023, meaning the team has gone from a 2 year £5m programme, to an £11m 5 ½ year programme. This extension will enable the team to operate from Wolverhampton and Worcestershire in the West, to Loughborough and Luton in the East Midlands.

Wed 09 Sep 2020, 09:28 | Tags: SMEs, WMG, Engineering, Business, Employment, funding, Sciences

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