Press Releases
Caterpillar gods and bridal gifts: research from The University of Warwick shows how indigenous culture has shaped crop diversity
A research collaboration between The University of Warwick, the Smithsonian Institution and Embrapa (Brazilian agricultural research), has shown that thousands of years of farming myths and cultural traditions have been key to the survival of the cassava crop (the source of tapioca).
Up half the night? Or out like a light? Warwick research finds health consequences for both
A study led by University of Warwick Professor Jianfeng Feng has found that regularly sleeping too little is associated with depression and brain loss in emotion areas, while sleeping too long is associated with cognitive decline and degenerative diseases.
University of Warwick researchers pioneer new therapy to resolve sleep and mental health issues for UK workers
A new online psychological therapy, spearheaded by The University of Warwick, has been shown to dramatically improve insomnia, anxiety and depression symptoms.