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Press Releases

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How sand fly mating habits are helping tackle tropical disease in £2.5M project

The tropical disease Leishmaniasis is being tackled by catching female sand flies who carry the parasite that causes the disease.

There are now plans to commercialise the research which involves using male pheromones to attract female sand flies towards insecticide-treated areas. 

How does your dog feel about training? A new research project aims to find out

On the first day of the Year of the Dog 2018, researchers at the Universities of Warwick, Cardiff and Scotland’s Rural College are launching a new website introducing an innovative research project that will study dog training as a means to explore how different training cultures shape the animal-human relationship, from the animal’s point of view as well as the human’s.

Fri 16 Feb 2018, 08:10 | Tags: Social Science, sociology, Faculty of Social Science, dogs