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Gold medallist joins charity netball tournament at the University of Warwick raising over £32,000

National cancer support charity Look Good Feel Better teamed up with England Netball to host its Annual Charity Netball Tournament at the University of Warwick, raising over £32,000 for people undergoing treatment for cancer.

Fri 22 Mar 2024, 14:00 | Tags: cancer, Charity, Event, fitness, Sport and Wellness Hub

Ventilators, visors, volunteers and testing - More than a dozen more ways Warwick staff & students are helping respond to the pandemic

I promised to come back to you soon to tell you about even more about the work of many more of our dedicated staff and students I these challenging times and today I am keeping that promise. Here many more ways in which our students and staff are helping from ventilators, visors, and volunteering to helping produce more COVID-19 testing ,and providing online computing experiments for primary school children now learning at home.

In many cases we can’t name the individuals as we want to leave them in peace to get on with their work but where we can they are named below.

Once again I want to give my personal thanks to each and every one of them – they are all inspiring people that are helping us all in these difficult times.”

Professor Stuart Croft

Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick

Cardio-respiratory synchronization may represent a new measure of health and fitness

Observation of extended episodes of one-to-one synchronisation between heart rate and breathing rate for athletes suggests their training specifically contributes to an enhanced connection within the nervous system.

Fri 19 Jul 2019, 08:58 | Tags: Engineering, Health, Sciences, Sport, fitness