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Press Releases

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Elusive compounds of greenhouse gas isolated by Warwick chemists

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent atmospheric pollutant. Although naturally occurring, anthropogenic N2O emissions from intensive agricultural fertilisation, industrial processes, and combustion of fossil fuels and biomass are a major cause for concern. Researchers at the University of Warwick have isolated elusive transition metal compounds of N2O that provide clues into how it could be used in sustainable chemical technologies.

Tue 17 Sep 2019, 11:26 | Tags: climate change, Chemistry, Environment, gas, Sciences

UK Government must provide road map for gas after Brexit, urges new report

March 2018’s ‘Beast from the East’ saw the UK's first gas deficit warning for 8 years. Extra supplies from mainland Europe and liquefied natural gas imports saw off the crisis. But will this be possible after Brexit? A new report from Warwick Business School’s Professor Michael Bradshaw explores the challenges and highlights the key issues that must be addressed in a post-Brexit UK Gas security strategy.

Tue 31 Jul 2018, 09:55 | Tags: supply chains, Warwick Business School, Brexit, research, Business, gas, energy