WG1: Fundamental Understanding: Theory and Experiments
- Spin-transport and spin orbit effects in oxides
- Complexity in transition metal oxides: inhomogeneity, phase separation
- Probing oxides at the nanoscale
- Electrostatic modulation of the properties of oxides
- Larger-scale, mesoscale modelling, effective theories based on ab initio modeling
- Topological states and defects, including vortices, skyrmions, and lattice defects.
- Charge transfer across oxide interfaces
- Quantum phase transitions and quantum criticality in transition metal oxides
- Magnetic frustration in oxides
- 2-dimensional metal oxide nanosheets
- Strongly correlated electrons phenomena in oxides
WG2: Oxides Growth and fabrication methods
- Advances in situ/real time monitoring of thin film deposition
- Plasma plume diagnostics in PLD
- Ferroelectrics and other oxides on Si
- Introduction and segregation of nano-inclusions
- Self-organisation of layered systems
- Large area and/or low temperature growth of oxides
- Point defects in oxides: thermodynamics and kinetics
- Growth of oxides on flexible substrates
- Nanofabrication methods in oxides
- Atomic-level fabrication as a new tool of nanoscience and technology
- Crystal growth and characterisation of oxides
WG3: Oxides Applications
- Oxide-based thermoelectric and electrocaloric applications
- Oxides for photovoltaic applications
- Ion conducting oxide
- Materials for thin film batteries
- Catalytic effects at oxide film surfaces
- Oxide-based memories and memristors
- Electronic and optoelectronic oxide devices
- Oxide-based sensors, actuators
- Ferroelectric/Piezoelectric oxides
- Oxide-based spintronics