News & Events from PLATO 2.0
See the Calendar for upcoming events
PLATO ESP 2020 - Planetary interiors and system architectures
This is the first announcement of the PLATO Extra-Solar Planets 2020 (ESP2020) workshop, to be held virtually between 30th November - 3rd December 2020. (The original place was Berlin, Germany, but due to the known pandemic situation we decided that the workshop will be virtual this year.) This is the third such workshop. The first one was held in Marseille, France (2018) and the second one was in Warwick, UK (2019).
The topic of the workshop this year is "Planetary interiors and system architectures". The aims of the workshop are to discuss how PLATO may help to understand planetary interiors and give new and more precise constraints on them, and to identify which open issues of planetary system architecture could be solved by PLATO's future measurements. We will also discuss what was learned from earlier (CoRoT, Kepler/K2, TESS, and ground-based measurements) related to system architectures and how the observations are confronted by theory.
More information about PLATO ESP2019 can be found at, including a link to the registration and abstract submission form. The closing date for registration is Wednesday, 30th of September 2020 at 23:59pm UTC+2.
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop. If you have any questions, please contact the LOC at
PLATO Week 10 final details
PLATO Week 10 will now be held remotely from the 26th to 28th of May 2020.
PW10 is being organised by the Konkoly Observatory of the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences and the PMC.
Owing to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, the decision has been made to move the meeting online; the conference will be conducted using WebEx (access provided by ESA).
The schedule for the meeting has been updated following this change. Please go to the PLATO Week 10 website for more details. A detailed agenda for the meeting will be available nearer the time.