Prof. Malcolm Cooper
Research interests
X-ray and gamma-ray studies of electron distributions & magnetism.
Further details
Malcolm Cooper's research interests centre on the use of synchrotron radiation to study magnetic materials. The traditional activity of his research group has been the use of inelastic Compton scattering to study electron density distributions. Within the past decade this has concentrated on the use of high energy synchrotron radiation to study the spin density distribution in ferromagnets. The work is currently carried out at the ESRF, Grenoble where the ID15 beamline provides x-ray energies of 200-300 keV which are used for these investigations.
Diffraction studies are centred on the use of the new XMaS beamline which was designed and constructed and is operated by a team lead by Malcolm Cooper and Bill Stirling of Liverpool University. The £5M project is funded by the EPSRC. It provides UK scientists with the facility to perform magnetic and high resolution x-ray diffraction, reflectometry etc. Click here for information about the XMaS beamline and the instrumentation on it and a copy of the latest XMaS Newsletter. Please consult the XMaS web site for further details.
Write to:
Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL
Contact Details:
Office: P567
+44 (0)2476523379
+44 (0)2476524654
XMaS website
Compton Scattering Group