Matt Brewer
Research interests:
I am a third year PhD student in the magnetic scattering group. I completed my undergraduate degree here at Warwick in 2009, with my final year project conducted under the supervision of Dr Tom Hase. I decided to continue with this project, and so began a PhD under Dr Hase studying induced magnetic moments in FePd trilayers.
We are primarily interested in the distribution of the magnetisation within the films and their magnetic ordering behaviour. The techniques we use to study these materials use circularly polarised resonant x-rays, or spin polarised neutrons, to probe the element specific magnetisation. As such, the research takes us to many central facilities including the ESRF, NSLS, APS and ISIS. Fitting the resonant scattering data in order to produce magnetic profiles (Fig 1) is achieved using the freely available GenX.
This work is done in collaboration with the material physics group at Uppsala University in Sweden.
Write to:
Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL
Contact Details:
E-mail: m dot s dot brewer at warwick dot ac dot uk