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Forum for High Field NMR facilities local operators

Forum for High-Field NMR facilities local operators 

This forum is addressed to research staff associated with high field NMR facilities who are local a operator, i.e., with a role that includes performing measurements for users, or whom are contacted when users have problems, e.g., tuning the probe, spinning the sample, or when a pulse sequence does not work, or for any other technical problem.  

To be held on-line

Wednesday 29th November 2023
14:00 to 15:00 (UK time);  

Please complete form at bottom of page to register for the November 29th event.


Preliminary Program:  

14:00 (UK time) Welcome  

14:05 (UK time) Short presentations of the participant centers  (2 to 5 minutes per center) 

14:35 (UK time) Discussions and future actions 

15:00 (UK time) End of meeting 


Registration (please register before Tuesday, November 28th 2023): 

There is no charge for attending the forum, but you are asked to register using the below online form by midday on November 28th 2023  (online attendees will be sent the link during the afternoon of 28th November). 

Would you like to give a 2 to 5 minutes presentation about your facility (required)
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