Previous IAB Members
Professor Marc BaldusLink opens in a new window Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Professor Arno KentgensLink opens in a new window Radboud University, The Netherlands
Professor Rod WasylishenLink opens in a new window University of Alberta, Canada
Professor Chris Jaroniec Link opens in a new windowOhio State University, USA
Professor Dominique MassiotLink opens in a new window, CNRS, France
Professor Beat MeierLink opens in a new window, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Bradley ChmelkaLink opens in a new window, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Prof. Tatyana PolenovaLink opens in a new window, University of Delaware, Newark, USA
Dr. Anne LesageLink opens in a new window, High Field NMR center of Lyon
Prof. Mei HongLink opens in a new window, MIT, USA