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UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility PhD travel fund supported by Bruker empty

The UK 850 MHz Solid State NMR facility PhD travel fund supported by Bruker provides funding for: (a) attendance at an internationally recognized, high-profile conference where a PhD student presents results he/she obtained at the UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility, or (b) a "start-up" visit to another lab to learn new methods to be implemented at the UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility. (Funding should not be requested to support pre-existing or ongoing collaborations.) The scheme will consider one application per research group per conference with a maximum of three awards per university department/school per calendar year. A student can receive up to 2 awards during their PhD studies. In exceptional cases, applications will be accepted from postdoctoral fellows. The maximum award (per student per conference or visit) will be £1000. A typical award will aim to cover ~80% of the total cost of attending the conference (or the lab visit). For more information please contact the scheme coordinator Professor Stephen Wimperis (
If you ask for support for a lab visit "click here":

*2. Conference information*
Has an abstract been submitted?
For a talk or a poster?

*3. Financial details*

*4. Previous support* received from the UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility
Have you received previous travel support from 850 MHz

*5. Supporting material*
Attach file
No files are currently attached.

*6. Additional Information*

The support from Bruker is to be "acknowledged": in the conference presentation (talk or poster) as well as including the other facility funding logos. Also please note that the student receiving a travel grant must provide a brief (1-page maximum) report after the conference/visit. Original receipts, up to or exceeding the amount awarded by the Travel Fund, together with the report, must be submitted to Rachel Harrington The report may be placed on the UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility website.
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