20th December 2024The solid-state NMR group wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! |
13th December 2024Iuga Dinu gave an update on the national research facility and new 1.2 GHz magnet due to be delivered in 2025, at the NMRDG-BRSG winter meeting held at the Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, London |
12th December 2024Dr Wing Ying Chow has given a talk at the NMRDG-BRSG winter meeting held at the Royal Society of Chemistry, at Burlington House, London. Ying has updated us on her research so far. |
12th December 2024Steven, Dinu, Michael, Ying, Jairah, Helena, Anna, Rosalie and Svetlana (and former group member Ben, who has joined us from Austria) have attended the NMRDG-BRSG winter meeting held at the Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, London. |
30th October 2024The solid-state group has taken a break from all the NMR to carve some pumpkins for the spooky season!! We would also like to say our goodbyes to Dr Trent Franks who will be leaving the group to join Ohio University, USA. We wish Trent a lot of success in future endeavours! |
1st October 2024Solid-state NMR group would like to welcome Anna Fleck who has joined us here at Warwick from University of Würzburg, Germany. She will be working with Rosalie Thompson during her three month placement. |
1st October 2024We would like to welcome Helena Loan who has started her PhD at Warwick. She will be working with Dr Michael Hope. Her project is focused on using solid-state NMR to characterise the structure and mechanisms of energy materials. |
30th August 2024Rosalie Thompson has won the award for the best presentation at the 17th European Workshop on Lignocellulose and Pulp held in Turku, Finland 26-30th August for her talk entitled "New insights into the structure of cellulose in plant cell walls". Congratulations! |
12th July 2024Dr Michael Hope has been awarded a prestigious EPSRC fellowship, worth £1.4 million. This fellowship will help Michael pave the way in transitioning to cleaner, renewable energy. Congratulations Michael on this amazing achievement! |
11th July 2024Dr Trent Franks attended a CCPN conference at the University of Kent, Canterbury. He delivered a talk on the role, that the UK High-Field Solid-State NMR National Research Facility has, in Biological NMR. |
8th July - 10th July 2024Steven Brown and Svetlana Pavlović attended the CASTEP NMR masterclass at the University of Oxford. |
1st July 2024Stephanie Bachmann has joined NMR National Research Facility at Warwick. She will be working as a part of NRF's Local Management Team in order to support the work carried out at 1GHz and 850 MHz spectrometers, and support the trans-national access as part of the EU PANACEA project. Welcome Stephanie! |
30th June - 4th July 2024Ananya Singh, Wing Ying Chow, Michael Hope and Józef Lewandowski attended EUROMAR in Bilbao, Spain. Józef gave a talk on 'Alternative structure of teixobactin-lipid II complex', Michael gave a presentation on 'Proton Migration and Halide Ordering in Lead Halide Perovskites'. Ananya presented a poster. |
24th - 25th June 2024Ananya Singh, David Bradley, Hannah Pilsworth, Liam Medlin and Svetlana Pavlović attended the RSC NMR discussion group meeting at Birmingham University. Ananya and Dave gave talks, while Ananya, Dave, Liam and Svetlana presented posters during the poster session. Ananya won a prize for one of the best posters! We congratulate Ananya for this amazing recognition for the work done so far. |
16th - 21st June 2024Michael Hope, Józef Lewandowski and Svetlana Pavlović attended PANACEA NMR summer school in Venice, Italy. Michael gave a lecture about Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP), while Józef gave a lecture on Relaxation and its importance in NMR. Svetlana presented her work during the round table discussion. |
4th - 5th June 2024Svetlana Pavlović attended a course organised by APV Mainz 'Advanced Analytical Methods for Formulation development', in Darmstadt, Germany. |
14th May 2024Work has begun on the building to host the 1.2 GHz NMR spectrometer as funded by UKRI to be provided by Bruker, with some additional MAS probes from Phoenix. |
23rd April 2024Mohammed Rahman has passed his viva today. We congratulate Mo, and wish him a lot of success in his future career! |
27th March 2024Steven Brown’s chapter entitled “NMR Crystallography in Pharmaceutical Development” with co-authors Les Hughes and Helen Blade from AstraZeneca and Pat Szell (former post-doc at Warwick and AstraZeneca) has been published in the Royal Society of Chemistry book entitled NMR Crystallography in Pharmaceutical DevelopmentLink opens in a new window. |
4th March 2024Dinu, Steven and Trent have visited the Bruker solid-state NMR probe production facility in Ettlingen, Germany, and see the production of one of the ordered 1.2 GHz MAS probes. |
1st March 2024Mo’s paper in collaboration with AstraZeneca and C4X entitled “Polymorph Identification for Flexible Molecules: Linear Regression Analysis of Experimental and Calculated Solution- and Solid-State NMR Data” has been published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A. |
24th January 2024Steven Brown gave a talk entitled “Solid-state NMR of pharmaceuticals” at the Society of Chemical Industries Formulation Forum 5th Annual Event: design through characterisation and analysis, in London. |
18th January 2024Clare Grey is awarded an Honorary Degree by the University of Warwick. |
16th January 2024We are pleased to welcome Jennifer Gomez from Nijmegen University who is visiting Warwick this week, as an exchange of local operators in the PANACEA project. |
10th January 2024Dr Wing Ying Chow has been awarded the Institute of Physics excellent contribution to Magnetic Resonance Award for her contributions to NMR characterisation of biological systems. The prize is awarded jointly by the BRSG (Institute of Physics Magnetic Resonance Society) and the NMR Discussion Group (NMRDG) of the Royal Society of Chemistry on an annual basis to honour work representing one or more substantial contributions to the field. Ying will present her award lecture in December 2024 at the NMRDG Christmas Meeting in Burlington House, London. |
8th January 2024We would like to welcome Todd Davey, who joined solid-state NMR group in January 2024. He will be working on his PhD with Professor Josef R. Lewandowski. |
25th December 2023Solid State NMR group wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! |
14th December 2023Steven Brown, Jairah Lubay, Ananya Singh and Jack Drant have attended the NMRDG Christmas meeting, at the Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House in London. |
6th December 2023Steven Brown gave a presentation entitled “Solid-state NMR at High Magnetic Fields” at the Science and Technologies in High Magnetic Fields meeting in Oxford opens in a new window |
22nd November 2023Steven Brown gave a presentation entitled “Solid-state NMR of pharmaceuticals and plant cell walls” at the INFRANALYTICS 2nd user meeting in Strasbourg opens in a new window. |
15th November 2023Anjali Menakath and Trent Franks participated in the EU PANACEA project 's Second Annual User Meeting in Florence : when science meets art opens in a new window. |
8th November 2023See Steven Brown’s Bruker videos on his research applying solid-state NMR to pharmaceuticals and plant cell walls opens in a new window and how he fell in love with NMR opens in a new window as recorded at Euromar this year. |
1st November 2023We would like to welcome to Michael Hope who joined Warwick as an Assistant Professor in Chemistry. |
3rd October 2023Steven Brown celebrates 20 years at Warwick, at the Long Service Awards Celebration Dinner, hosted by the Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Warwick, Stuart Croft. |
1st October 2023Ray Dupree celebrates 60 years since his first academic appointment as a Lecturer at the University of Exeter. Ray joined Warwick 3 years later. |
28th September 2023Congratulations to Ben Tatman on passing his PhD viva. Ben has taken up a post at the National Physical Laboratory. We wish him a lot of success in his career. |
19th September 2023Steven Brown gave the opening talk entitled Solid-State NMR of Pharmaceuticals and Plant Cell Walls” at the Processes in Isotopes and Molecules conference in Cluj, Romania. |
18th September 2023Jozef Lewandowski, Anjali Menakath, Mohammed Rahman and Jack Drant attended the Alpine Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Solids in Chamonix, France. |
11th July 2023Steven Brown gave a lecture entitled "Solid-State NMR of Pharmaceuticals and Plant Cell Walls", at EUROMAR in Glasgow. |
15th June 2023Steven Brown gave a lecture on inverse detection of quadrupolar nuclei, with applications to pharmaceuticals, at the PANACEA workshop on solid-state NMR for quadrupolar nuclei in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. |
12th May 2023Paper published in J. Chem. Phys. on "Nuclear spin diffusion under fast magic-angle spinning in solid-state NMR"Ben's magnificent paper, "Nuclear spin diffusion under fast magic-angle spinning in solid-state NMR" from his University of Warwick and Bruker funded PhD has been published in the Journal of Chemical Physics. |
24th April 2023Paper published in J. Magn. Reson. on "Comparison of Methods for 14N-1H recoupling in 14N-1H HMQC MAS NMR"Ben's amazing paper, "Comparison of Methods for 14N-1H recoupling in 14N-1H HMQC MAS NMR" from his University of Warwick and Bruker funded PhD has been published in the Journal of Magnetic Resonance. |
1st March 2023Paper published in J. Pharm. Sci on "Discovering the Solid-State Secrets of Lorlatinib by NMR Crystallography: To Hydrogen Bond or Not to Hydrogen Bond"Zainab's splendid paper, "Discovering the Solid-State Secrets of Lorlatinib by NMR Crystallography", applying NMR crystallography to the pharmaceutical Lorlatinib with Pfizer from her EPSRC funded PhD, has been published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
15th February 2023Zainab passed her PhD viva!Congratulations to Zainab Rehman on passing her PhD viva. |
1st February 2023Cover art in ChemPhysChemPat Szell's paper applying 35Cl solid-state NMR to pharmaceuticals in collaboration with AstraZeneca has been selected for the cover art in an issue of ChemPhysChem! |
31st January 2023Danish NMR Meeting in HelsingorSteven Brown gave a talk entitled "Solid-state NMR of pharmaceuticals" at the Danish NMR meeting in Helsingor. |
9th January 2023Welcome to Svetlana Pavlović, an AS CDT PhD student supervised by Steven Brown. She will be working on a project supported by Novartis, focusing on an analysis of soft gel-like materials produced during dissolution of oral pharmaceutical products. |
19th December 2022Warwick University to host UK's most powerful Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instrumentA consortium led by the University of Warwick has been awarded a £17 million grant from the UKRI Infrastructure Fund to procure a 1.2 GHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instrument at 1.2 GHz. The high-field spectrometer will serve the national research community in the physical and life sciences. It will add to the already significant NMR capabilities here which include the existing 850 MHz and 1 GHz high-field solid-state NMR National Research Facilities. Read press release. |
16th December 2022BRSG Christmas MeetingZainab Rehman and Wing Ying Chow gave talks entitled "The use of solid-state NMR in the characterisation of an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient" and "Biological structures in the extracellular context" at the BRSG Christmas Meeting. |
18th November 2022Birmingham NMR Users MeetingSteven Brown gave a talk on "1.2 GHz NMR in the UK for Solution- and Solid-State NMR" at the Birmingham NMR Users Meeting. |
18th October 2022PANACEA NMR Users MeetingSteven Brown gave a talk on "Solid-State NMR for Polymers, Biopolymers, and Biomaterials" at the first PANACEA NMR users meeting in Lyon. |
12th October 2022Paper published in PCCP on "Slice & Dice: nested spin-lattice relaxation measurements"Trent and Jacqueline’s paper entitled "Slice & Dice: nested spin-lattice relaxation measurements" has been published in PCCP. |
6th October 2022Swedish NMR Meeting in GothenburgSteven Brown gave a talk on "Solid-state NMR of Pharmaceuticals and Plant Cell Walls" at the Swedish NMR Meeting in Gothenburg. |
5th October 2022Paper published in ChemPhysChem on "Exploring the Potential of Multinuclear Solid-state 1H, 13C, and 35Cl Magnetic Resonance to Characterize Static and Dynamic Disorder in Pharmaceutical Hydrochlorides".Pat’s paper arising from a collaboration with AstraZeneca as part of his Innovate UK funded project, entitled "Exploring the Potential of Multinuclear Solid-state 1H, 13C, and 35Cl Magnetic Resonance to Characterize Static and Dynamic Disorder in Pharmaceutical Hydrochlorides" has been published in ChemPhysChem. |
3rd October 2022Jairah and Ananya join the Solid-State NMR group!Welcome to Jairah and Ananya! Jairah's research will be focusing on "Developing fast magic-angle spinning NMR methods for applications to biological systems." supervised by Józef Lewandowski and Steven Brown, while Ananya's research will be focusing on the "Development of solid-state NMR approaches for probing extracellular matrices with relevance to human disease" supervised by Wing Ying Chow. |
18th August 2022Molecular Spectroscopy Group Online SeminarSteven Brown gave a talk on "Solid-state NMR of Pharmaceuticals" at the RSC Molecular Spectroscopy Group Online Seminar. |
4th August 2022Paper published in The Plant Cell on "Eudicot primary cell wall glucomannan is related in synthesis, structure, and function to xyloglucan"A paper by Rosalie Cresswell, Steven Brown, and Ray Dupree at Warwick and Paul Dupree's group in Cambridge regarding the Eudicot primary cell wall glucomannan has been published in The Plant Cell. |
26th July 2022Paper published in PCCP on "Optimisation of 1H PMLG homonuclear decoupling at 60 kHz MAS to enable 15N-1H through-bond heteronuclear correlation solid-state NMR spectroscopy"Jacqueline’s paper entitled "Optimisation of 1H PMLG homonuclear decoupling at 60 kHz MAS to enable 15N-1H through-bond heteronuclear correlation solid-state NMR spectroscopy" has been published in PCCP. |
20th July 2022Paper published in Crystal Growth and Design on "Combining X-ray and NMR Crystallography to Explore the Crystallographic Disorder in Salbutamol Oxalate".Pat’s paper arising from a collaboration with Bath and AstraZeneca as part of his Innovate UK funded project, entitled "Combining X-ray and NMR Crystallography to Explore the Crystallographic Disorder in Salbutamol Oxalate" has been published in Crystal Growth and Design. |
11th July 2022EUROMAR Conference in UtrechtSteven Brown gave a talk entitled: ”Nitrogen (14N/15N)-Hydrogen MAS NMR Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy: Developing Methods for Pharmaceutical Applications” at EUROMAR 2022 in Utrecht. Ben, Mo and Zainab presented posters. |
1st July 2022Paper in Dalton Transactions selected for quarterly HOT article collectionRay Dupree is a co-author on a paper with collaborators in Sweden "Synthesis and structural characterisation of solid titanium(IV) phosphate materials by means of X-ray absorption and NMR spectroscopyLink opens in a new window" which has been selected for the Dalton Transactions quarterly HOT article collection. |
1st July 2022NMRDG Postgraduate Conference in ManchesterBen Tatman gave a talk entitled “Spin Diffusion at Fast Magic-Angle Spinning” at the NMRDG postgraduate meeting in Manchester. Chris, Mo and Zainab presented posters. |
10th June 2022Jacqueline passed her PhD viva!Congratulations to Jacqueline Tognetti on passing her PhD viva. |
9th June 2022Paper in Nature PlantsRay Dupree was a co-author on a paper entitled "Golgi-localized putative S-adenosyl methionine transporters required for plant cell wall polysaccharide methylation" in Nature Plants. This paper identified genes that regulate the properties of pectin, with their mutants causing pectin to gel as jam in the plant cell wall and the plant to be stunted. Such a stunted plant is shown in the figure on the left. |
21st February 2022Trans-national access to the solid-state NMR infrastructure at Warwick is enabled via the EU-funded PANACEA projectAs part of the EU-funded PANACEA project, it is now possible to request access to the solid-state NMR infrastructure at Warwick at
1st February 2022Wing Ying Chow joins the Solid-State NMR group as an Assistant ProfessorWelcome to Ying! They use a combination of solid-state NMR and related techniques to study the structure and dynamics of complex biological materials of the extracellular matrix with emphasis on gaining insight into human health and disease. |
1st February 2022AstraZeneca/University of Warwick KTP rated OutstandingThe Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) between AstraZeneca and the University of Warwick (with Pat Szell, Józef Lewandowski, and Steven Brown) to mitigate some of the problems of crystallographic disorder in active pharmaceutical ingredients has been rated as outstanding. Read the case study here. |
17th January 2022Anjali Menakath (re)joins the Solid-State NMR groupWelcome to Anjali! Anjali joins us as a postdoc funded by the EPSRC via the Warwick Analytical Science Centre and the BBSRC ALERT19 funding for the new 600 MHz Avance Neo console and probes. |
4th January 2022Physics Departmental Prize Awarded to Rosalie CresswellCongratulations to Rosalie Cresswell who has been jointly awarded the Physics Department's Postdoc Prize 2021 for the best paper by a postdoc in 2021! The paper entitled "Importance of Water in Maintaining Softwood Secondary Cell Wall Nanostructure" can be found in Biomacromolecules, 10.1021/acs.biomac.1c00937 |
17th November 2021SSNMR/DNP ZoominarJózef Lewandowski gave a talk at the MIT SSNMR/DNP Zoominar entitled "Interacting intrinsically disordered regions in complexes in the solid state” |
29th October 2021Konstantin Ivanov Intercontinental SeminarSteven Brown gave a talk at the Konstantin Ivanov Intercontinental Seminar entitled "Magic-Angle Spinning Solid-State NMR of Organic Molecules" |
20th October 2021Paper published in Biomacromolecules on "Importance of Water in Maintaining Softwood Secondary Cell Wall Nanostructure".A paper by Rosalie Cresswell, Steven Brown, and Ray Dupree at Warwick and Paul Dupree in Cambridge as well as collaborators in Brazil and New Zealand (Scion) regarding the importance of water in the maintenance of the nanostructure of the secondary cell wall structure of softwood has been published in Biomacromolecules. |
12th October 2021Paper published in Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance on "A toolbox for improving the workflow of NMR crystallography".A new paper by Patrick Szell, Steven Brown and AstraZeneca presents a novel toolbox to assist with the workflow of NMR crystallography as part of an INNOVATE-UK funded KTP project. |
30th September 2021Paper published in Chemical ScienceA new paper by Lewandowski group (Angelo Gallo and Józef Lewandowski) in collaboration with Jenner group entitled "Molecular Basis for Acyl Carrier Protein-Ketoreductase Interaction in trans-Acyltransferase Polyketide Synthases" was published in Chemical Science. |
2nd September 2021Paper published in CrystEngComm on "Taming the dynamics in a pharmaceutical by cocrystallization".A new paper by Patrick Szell, Steven Brown, Józef Lewandowski and AstraZeneca applies solid-state NMR to understand taming of dynamics in a pharmaceutical by co-crystallisation as part of an INNOVATE-UK funded KTP project. |
1st September 2021Dominik Kubicki joins the Solid-State NMR group as an Assistant ProfessorWelcome to Dominik! Dominik’s research focuses on developing new materials for sustainable optoelectronic technologies. He uses a combination of solid-state NMR, MAS DNP and diffraction strategies to study their structure at multiple length scales. |
19th August 2021International Union of Crystallography ConferenceZainab Rehman presented a poster on 'Solid-State NMR Crystallography Analysis of Lorlatinib - an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient' |
11th August 2021Paper published in JMR on Accelerating 15N and 13C relaxation measurementsA paper entitled Accelerating 15N and 13C R1 and R1p relaxation measurements by multiple pathway solid-state NMR experiments by Jacqueline Tognetti, Trent Franks, Angelo Gallo and Józef Lewandowski, was published in the Journal of Magnetic Resonance. Congratulations to Jacqueline on the first paper of her PhD! |
18th June 2021RSC NMRDG Postgraduate MeetingSteven Brown gave a talk entitled 'Magic-Angle Spinning Solid-State NMR of Organic Molecules' |
14th June 2021Koorosh passed his PhD viva!Congratulations to Koorosh Fatemian on passing his PhD viva. |
6th April 2021Console Upgrade for 600 MHzOur new Bruker Avance Neo console has been delivered and installed on the 600 MHz instrument! |
14th January 2021Nicole passed her PhD viva!Congratulations to Nicole Kelly who passed her PhD viva. |
18th December 2020BRSG Founder's Prize for Best Presentation awarded to Patrick Szell.Congratulations to Patrick Szell on being awarded the Founder's Prize for Best Presentation at the 2020 Magnetic Resonance for Industrial Research BRSG Christmas Meeting for his presentation on dynamic disorder in pyrrolidine ringsLink opens in a new window! |
17th November 20201 GHz solid-state NMR magnet at field.The UK's first 1 GHz solid-state NMR spectrometer has been brought to field at the University of Warwick. See the press release hereLink opens in a new window. |
11th November 2020Kristian passed his PhD viva!Congratulations to Kristian Barnsley who passed his PhD viva. |
23rd September 2020J. Mag. Res. paper publishedA paper entitled Simultaneous MQMAS NMR Experiments for Two Half-Integer Quadrupolar Nuclei by Samuel J. Page, Angelo Gallo, Steven P. Brown, Józef R. Lewandowski, John V. Hanna, and W. Trent Franks was published in J. Mag. Res. |
18th September 2020Journal of Physical Chemistry paper publishedA paper entitled Conformations in Solution and in Solid-State Polymorphs: Correlating Experimental and Calculated Magnetic Resonance Chemical Shifts for Tolfenamic Acid by authors from Warwick, AstraZeneca and C4X, Helen Blade, Charles D. Blundell, Steven P. Brown, Jack Carson, Hugh R. W. Dannatt, Leslie P. Hughes and Anjali K. Menakath, was published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry |
27th July 2020Sarah passed her PhD viva!Congratulations to Sarah Mann who passed her PhD viva. |
22nd May 2020ChemPhysChem paper publishedA paper entitled Structure Effects on the Ionicity of Protic Ionic Liquids by authors from Warwick and Monash, Sarah Mann, Steven P. Brown, and Douglas R. MacFarlane, was published in ChemPhysChem. |
15th May 2020Journal of Physical Chemistry paper publishedA paper entitled MAS NMR Investigation of Molecular Order in an Ionic Liquid Crystal by authors from Warwick, Imperial and GlaxoSmithKline, Sarah Mann, Mohit K. Devgan, W. Trent Franks, Steven Huband, Chi Long Chan, Jeraime Griffith, David Pugh, Nicholas J. Brooks, Tom Welton, Tran N. Pham, Lisa L. McQueen, Józef R. Lewandowski, and Steven P. Brown, was published in a themed issue (on deep eutectic solvents) in Journal of Physical Chemistry. |
24th April 2020Emily passed her PhD viva!Congratulations to Emily Corlett who passed her PhD viva. |
10th April 2020Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance paper publishedA paper entitled Investigating discrepancies between experimental solid-state NMR and GIPAW calculation: N=C-N 13C and OH...O 1H chemical shifts in pyridinium fumarates and their cocrystals by authors from Warwick, AstraZeneca and Syngenta, Emily K. Corlett, Helen Blade, Leslie P. Hughes, Philip J. Sidebottom, David Walker, Richard I. Walton, and Steven P. Brown, was published in Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. |
18th March 2020Magn Reson Chem paper publishedA paper entitled R5-amino-2-methylpyridinium hydrogen fumarate: An XRD and NMR crystallography analysis by authors from Warwick, AstraZeneca and Syngenta, Emily K. Corlett, Helen Blade, Leslie P. Hughes, Philip J. Sidebottom, David Walker, Richard I. Walton, and Steven P. Brown, was published in Magn. Reson. Chem. |
9th March 2020JMR Award for outstanding paper for Angelo and TrentAngelo Gallo is presented with the JMR Award for an outstanding paper for his and Trent Frank's manuscript on parallel acquistion. |
30th Dec 2019Molecular Pharmaceutics paper publishedA paper entitled Revealing Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding Structure and Dynamics in a Deep Eutectic Pharmaceutical by Magic-Angle Spinning NMR Spectroscopy by Sarah Mann, Tran Pham, Lisa McQueen, Józef Lewandowski and Steven P. Brown was published in Mol. Pharmaceutics. Congrats to Sarah on the first paper from her PhD! |
14th November 2019Anjali passed her PhD viva!Congratulations to Anjali Menakath who passed her PhD viva. |
31st Oct 2019Nature Communications paper publishedA paper entitled Molecular architecture of softwood revealed by solid-state NMR was published with our Cambridge collaborators. Warwick authors: Dinu Iuga, Trent W. Franks, Steven P. Brown and Ray Dupree. The research was featured (Nov 18) in Chemical & Engineering News in an article “A surprising portrait of wood’s molecular makeup” Read more here: Link |
23rd Sept 2019Nature Chemistry paper publishedA paper by Simone Kosol, Angelo Gallo, Daniel Griffiths, T. R. Valentic, J. Masschelein, M. Jenner, E. L. C. de los Santos, L. Manzi, P. K. Sydor, D. Rea, S. Zhou, V. Fülöp, N. J. Oldham, S.-C. Tsai, G. L. Challis, Józef R. Lewandowski entitled "Structural Basis for Chain Release from the Enacyloxin Polyketide Synthase.", which is a result of a large scale collaborative effort in the field of integrated structural biology of systems involved in biosynthesis of natural products, was published in Nature Chemistry. |
15-19th Sept 2019Alpine Conference on Magnetic Resonance in SolidsJacqueline Tognetti gave a talk entitled "Proton detected magic angle spinning solid-state NMR". Emily Corlett, Angelo Gallo, Józef Lewandowski, Sarah Mann and Zainab Rehman gave round table presentations. |
4th Sept 2019CCPN Conference in LeicesterJózef Lewandowski gave a talk entitled "Proton detected magic angle spinning solid-state NMR". |
29th August 2019EuroismarSteven Brown gave a talk entitled "High-Field and Fast-MAS Solid-State NMR: Enabling Application to Pharmaceuticals and Supramolecular Assembly". Józef Lewandowski gave a talk entitled "Multiple acquisitions for protein assignment, structure and dynamics". Trent Franks, Angelo Gallo, Dinu Iuga and Józef Lewandowski presented posters. Shanshan Zhou also attended. |
31st July 2019Scientific Reports paper publishedA paper by Carl Öster, Simone Kosol and Józef Lewandowski entitled " was published in Scientific Reports. |
6th July 2019Journal of Magnetic Resonance paper publishedA paper by Angelo Gallo, Trent Franks and Józef Lewandowski entitled " was published in J. Magn. Reson. |
20th June 2019Journal of Membrane Biology paper publishedA paper by Muhammad Hasan involving Dixon, Lewandowski and Brown groups entitled "Modulation of Transmembrane Domain Interactions in Neu Receptor Tyrosine Kinase by Membrane Fluidity and Cholesterol" was published in Journal of Membrane Biology. |
14th May 2019CrystEngComm paper publishedA paper by Emily Corlett and Steven Brown in collaboration with AstraZeneca and Syngenta entitled "An XRD and NMR crystallographic investigation of the structure of 2,6-lutidinium hydrogen fumarate" was published in CrystEngComm. |
10th December 2018Józef Lewandowski gave a talk entitled "Structure and dynamics of protein complexes by NMR" in the School of Chemistry at the University of Cardiff. |
5th December 2018A paper resulting from collaboration of Challis group with Lewandowski group entitled "Binding of distinct substrate conformations enables hydroxylation of remote sites in thaxtomin D by cytochrome P450 TxtC" was published in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Read it here. |
19th November 2018Steven Brown gave a talk entitled “High-Field Solid-State NMR: Applications to Pharmaceuticals, Supramolecular Assemblies and Plant Cell Walls” at the Ultra-high field NMR spectroscopy: challenges and new horizons workshop in Lille, France |
13th November 2018Emily Corlett gave a talk at a joint meeting entitled “Holistic approaches to structural characterisation” of the collaborative computational project for NMR crystallography (CCP-NC) and the British Crystallography Association Industry Group (BCA-IG) in Durham. Steven Brown, Kiran Jandu, Sarah Mann, Anjali Menakath, Zainab Rehman and Jacqueline Tognetti all also attended the meeting. |
3rd October 2018Natural Product Reports paper publishedA review from Lewandowski and Challis groups on "Protein–protein interactions in trans-AT polyketide synthases" was published in Natural Products Reports. Read it here. |
2nd October 2018Journal of Physical Chemistry B publishedA Lewandowski group paper on collaborative work led by Emsley and Blackledge groups entitled "Protein Dynamics from Multi-Field Variable Temperature NMR Relaxation and MD Simulation" published in Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Read it here. |
1st October 2018Welcome to Zainab Rehman and Kiran Jandu who join the group as a PhD student (funded by EPSRC and Pfizer) and a MSc by research student. |
20th September 2018Chemical Science paper publishedA paper from Lewandowski group in collaboration with Chris Dowson, Kim Lewis, Torsten Herrmann and Novobiotic Pharmaceuticals entitled "Structural studies suggest aggregation as one of the modes of action for teixobactin" was published in the Chemical Science. Read it here. |
13th September 2018Steven Brown visited the laboratories of Adam Lange and Hartmut Oschkinat and gave a talk entitled “Using NMR Crystallography for Structural Elucidation and Insight” at the FMP in Berlin, Germany. |
7th September 2018CCPNMR meeting in University of Kent, Canterbury, KentJózef Lewandowski gave a talk "Characterisation of protein-protein interfaces in large complexes by solid state NMR solvent paramagnetic relaxation enhancements". |
4th September 2018SMARTER meetingSteven Brown gave a talk entitled “Using NMR Crystallography for Structural Elucidation and Insight” at the SMARTER meeting in Ljubljana in Slovenia, with Emily Corlett, Sarah Mann, Anjali Menakath and Jacqueline Tognetti all presenting posters. |
21st June 2018NMRDG meeting, University of WarwickStudents from all the groups participated in the NMR DG meeting. Sarah Mann won the best talk prize and Emily Corlett won the best poster prize. |
30th May 2018EMBO workshop, Grosseto, ItalyJózef Lewandowski gave a talk "Integrated structural biology as a tool to facilitate development of new antibiotics". Angelo and Becky presented posters. |
1 GHz solid-state NMR facility to be hosted at WarwickThe UK's first 1 GHz solid-state NMR spectrometer is on its way to the University of Warwick, thanks to £8 million grant from the Engineering and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The high-field spectrometer will serve the national research community in the physical and life sciences. It will add to the already significant NMR capabilities here which include the existing 850 MHz high-field solid-state NMR National Research Facility. |
19th April 2018 |
7th April 2018 |
8th January 2018 |
13th December 2017 |
14th September 2017 |
7th August 2017 |
26th July 2017 |
3rd July 2017 |
14th June 2017 |
16th May 2017Marlow Award talk at King's CollegeJózef Lewandowski gave an RSC Marlow Award lecture in King's College London. |
11-13th April 2017 |
6th April 2017 |
26-31 March 2017 Steven gave an invited talk: "Solid-State MAS NMR of Guanosine Self-Assembly, Organometallic |
22-24th March 2017 |
16th March 2017ERC day at the IECB in Bordeaux, FranceJózef gave an invited talk entitled "Enacyloxin polyketide synthase - NMR-led integrated structural approach to enable synthetic biology" at the ERC Day at the IECB in Bordeaux, France. |
15th March 2017Paper featured in Wiley’s spectroscopyNow webpageManju and Steven’s VIP paper Co-existence of Distinct Supramolecular Assemblies in Solution and in the Solid State in Chem Eur J has been featured in the NMR section of Wiley’s spectroscopyNow webpage in an article entitiled What a difference a state makes: NMR curiosity. |
16th February 2017VIP paper featured on the cover of Chemistry European JournalA VIP paper Co-existence of Distinct Supramolecular Assemblies in Solution and in the Solid State describing EPSRC funded research by Manju Reddy in Steven Brown’s group, in collaboration with Italian and US researchers has been featured on the cover of Chemistry European Journal. The study identified a change in the self-assembled structure of a guanosine derivative upon passing from solution to solid state and vice versa. The research was highlighted in a University press release entitled Molecular phenomenon discovered by advanced NMR facility. |
14th January 2017 |
21st December 2016 |
16th December 2016 |
16th December 2016International Symposium Connecting EPR, ssNMR and DNP for the Study of complex BiomoleculesJózef gave a talk entitled "Structure and dynamics of protein complexes by solid-state NMR" at the International Symposium Connecting EPR, ssNMR and DNP for the Study of complex Biomolecules at Ringberg Castle in Germany. |
15th December 2016 |
14th December 2016 |
2nd December 2016 |
31st October 2016 |
6th October 2016 |
6th October 2016Welcome to new group membersWelcome to the new PhD students Emily Corlett, Koorosh Fatemian, Nicole Kelly and Sarah Mann and MChem students Chris Cousins, Faaria Iqbal and Helen Smith. |
3rd October 2016 |
28th September 2016 |
Remembering Erwin HahnSadly, on Sept 22 Erwin Hahn (aged 95) passed away. In 1949, shortly after completing his Ph.D. developing pulsed NMR, Hahn discovered the spin echo. He found that after decay of the initial pulse response (now called FID) the NMR signal could be made to reappear, as if by magic, following a second pulse some time later. The reappearing signal (effectively time has been reversed) is the echo, which he modestly said was discovered accidentally because he couldn't make the signal go away and in the end had to resort to explaining the phenomenon. Hahn's scientific achievements, as well as discovering the spin echo, include development of cross-polarisation (the Hartmann-Hahn condition) and the prediction and demonstration of self-induced optical transparency. He has many scientific children, grandchildren, etc. One of them is Ray Dupree. In the light of his achievements and the strength of magnetic resonance at Warwick, the University awarded him an honorary degree in 2007. Below you can see the picture after the awarding ceremony where Erwin Hahn "hangs out" with Ray, Steven, Mark Newton and Mark Smith. |
15th September 2016 |
15th September 2016 |
15th September 2016Steven Brown, John Hanna, Jozef Lewandowski, Ray Dupree and Dinu Iuga are signatories to a submissionLink opens in a new window by over 20 UK academics to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Inquiry into Leaving the EU. |
11th-15th September 2016 |
4th-8th September 2016SMARTER Conference in Bayreuth, GermanySteven and Ann gave talks, Anjali, Miri, Tiago and Tomasz presented posters and Trent attended the SMARTER (Structure elucidation by combining Magnetic Resonance, Computational Modelling and Diffraction) 5 conference in Bayreuth, Germany. |
1st September |
21st-26th August 2016 |
17th-21st July 2016Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Breckenridge, CO, USARay, John, Józef and James attended RMC in Breckenridge, CO, USA. Józef gave an invited talk entitled "Energy landscapes, anisotropic motions and protein dynamics in large protein complexes". Ray, John and James presented posters. |
7th July 2016EUROMAR in Aarhus, DenmarkSteven Brown gave an invited talk at the EUROMAR conference in Aarhus, Denmark entitled “Application of Solid-State NMR to Pharmaceuticals, Polymers, Self-Assembly and Plant Cell Walls”. He also attended an editorial board meeting of the journal Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance that took place at the conference. |
4th July 2016UK-Japan Symposium in LeicesterAlma, Angelo, Becky, Simone and Józef attended the UK-Japan Symposium: "From single molecules to cells and tissues" in Leicester. Józef gave an invited talk entitled "Structure and dynamics of protein complexes by solid-state NMR". |
30th June 2016 |
23rd June 2016NMRDG PhD event in OxfordAnjali, Azz, Alma and Becky all presented posters at the NMRDG PhD event in Oxford. . |
9th June 2016Nature Communications paper publishedRay and Steven are co-authors on a multi-institution paper entitled Golgi-localized STELLO proteins regulate the assembly and trafficking of cellulose synthase complexes in Arabidopsis. This paper identified proteins that regulate cellulose assembly in plants, important in understanding how plants produce their biomass. |
6th June 2016 |
1st June 2016 |
9th May 2016RSC Marlow Award for JózefJózef Lewandowski was awarded RSC Marlow Award for the "development and applications of solid-state NMR methodology to study structure and dynamics of biomolecules." Press release. |
12th April 2016 |
7th April 2016UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR national facility annual symposiumAnn and John gave talks at the sixth annual symposium of the UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility, that took place at the University of Warwick. |
7th April 2016 |
6th April 2016 |
21st March 2016 |
2nd February 2016 |
1st February 2016 |
16th December 2015Pacifichem, Honolulu, Hawaii, USAJózef Lewandowski gave a talk entitled "Hierarchy of picoseconds to microseconds anisotropic protein motions" at the Pacifichem in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. |
14th December 2015BRSG Christmas meeting8 members of the Warwick solid-state NMR group attended the BRSG Christmas meeting on NMR Crystallography at the Institute of Physics in London. |
10th December 2015Paper published with collaborators in New Zealand in the ACS journal Macromolecules on solid-state NMR characterisation of a polyaniline material. |
9th December 2015Jonathan passed his PhD vivaCongratulations to Jonathan Lamley who passed his PhD viva with external examiner Adam Lange (FMP-Berlin) and internal examiner Steven Brown. |
16th November 2015 |
12th November 2015 |
4th November 2015 |
2nd November 2015Angewandte Chemie paper publishedA manuscript by Jon Lamley, Carl Öster, Becky Stevens and Józef Lewandowski on the influence of different intermolecular interactions on protein dynamics was featured as a Very Important Paper in Angewandte Chemie. The paper presents first ever extensive site-specific relaxation measurements on a large non-crystalline GB1-antibody complex in a few nanomole quantities and compares them to similar measurements on crystalline GB1. The study paves the way for direct characterization of dynamics in biologically important but sensitivity-limited samples of proteins within large complexes. Read here. |
16th OctoberSteven Brown gave a talk at CEA, SaclaySteven Brown gave a talk entitled “Application of High-Field Solid-State NMR to Pharmaceuticals, Supramolecular Self-Assembly and Plant Cell Walls” at CEA, Saclay. |
15th OctoberMeeting of the Conseil ScientifiqueSteven Brown attended the meeting of the Conseil Scientifique of the French Network of High-Field NMR Facilities in Gif-sur-Yvette. |
5-6th October 2015Inauguration of New Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Biorefinery/Green Chemistry Laboratories in Luleå, SwedenRay Dupree gave a talk on "Probing the Molecular Architecture of Plant Secondary Cell Walls using 2D and 3D 13C solid state NMR" at the inauguration event in Luleå, Sweden. |
5th OctoberWelcome to new group membersWelcome to new PhD students Anjali and Alma and new postdoc Angelo. |
20-23rd September 2015SMASH 2015 NMR ConferenceDinu Iuga attended the SMASH conference in Baveno, Italy and gave a talk on “Applications of High-Field Solid-State NMR to Small Organic MoleculesLink opens in a new window”. |
16th September 2015JMR Paper publishedA paper presenting results obtained by Aiden Robertson on his visit to JEOL in Japan earlier this year has been published in Journal of Magnetic Resonance. |
8th September 201537th FGMR Discussion MeetingSteven Brown gave a talk entitled: “Application of High-Field Solid-State NMR to Pharmaceuticals, Supramolecular Self-Assembly and Plant Cell Walls” at the 37th FGMR Discussion Meeting (Joint conference of the German & UK Magnetic Resonance Societies) in Darmstadt, Germany. |
2nd September 2015PhD day at AstraZenecaSteven Brown and Miri Zilka attended the PhD day at AstraZeneca in Macclesfield – Miri gave a poster entitled “Interpreting Solid to Molecule Differences of NMR Parameters in Molecular Crystals” |
13-17th September 2015 |
19th August 2015Group seminar by Pierre ThureauPierre Thureau from Marseille, France gave a seminar to the group about his latest DNP work. |
17th August 2015CASTEP workshop in OxfordAnn-Christin, Gemma, Aiden and Miri attended the CASTEP workshop in Oxford. |
16th August 2015 |
22nd July 2015 |
17th July 2015PCCP paper publishedA paper by Jonathan Lamley, Matthew Lougher and Józef Lewandowski in collaboration with Stephan Grzesiek's group (Basel, Switzerland) on combined analysis of multifield 13C' and 15N relaxation to characterise protein backbone dynamics was published in PCCP. The study sheds light on how the same complex motions will be manifested in fundamentally different ways in solution and solid-state relaxation. The presented approach leads to a more accurate quantification of both fast and slow protein motions that are often of crucial functional importance. The study also validates use of 13C’ R1ρ as a quantitative probe of slow dynamics. Read more here. |
25th June 2015 |
25th June 2015 |
24th June 2015 |
16th June 2015Solid state NMR workshop in BrazilSteven Brown gave a workshop on Solid-State NMR at UFRJ Rio de Janiero, Brazil |
10th June 2015Lewandowski gave an invited talk at the Gordon Research ConferenceJózef Lewandowski gave an invited talk entitled "Direct Observation of Hierarchical Protein Dynamics" at the Gordon Research Conference on Computational Aspects - Biomolecular NMR in Il Ciocco, Italy. |
9th June 2015 |
3rd June 2015Steven Brown gave invited lecture at Danish Center for Ultahigh Field NMR SpectroscopySteven Brown gave an invited lecture entitled “Application of High-Field Solid-State NMR to Pharmaceuticals, Supramolecular Self-Assembly and Plant Cell Walls” at the Inauguration of the Danish Center for Ultrahigh Field NMR Spectroscopy in Aarhus. |
1st May 2015Lewandowski in Science on hierarchical protein dynamicsJózef Lewandowski in collaboration with Lyndon Emsley (EPFL, Lausanne/ENS-Lyon) and Martin Blackledge (IBS, Grenoble) reports in Science on a direct observation of hierarchy of protein and solvent motions in protein conformational energy landscape. The findings of the study employing a series of variable temperature magic angle spinning multinuclear NMR relaxation measurements on a nanocrystalline protein reconcile divergent interpretations from techniques that are individually sensitive to dynamic phenomena occurring on different time scales and at different locations in protein-solvent systems. Read more here. |
16th April 2015ENC in CaliforniaManju gave a poster entitled “Understanding Self-Assembly Process at Molecular Level: Structure and Function of Guanosine Derivatives” at the Experimental NMR conference in Asilomar, California. |
16th April 2015Crystallisation & Polymorphism for Discovery Chemists in CambridgeAiden, Ann-Chrisitn and Gemma attended the SCI event on Crystallisation & Polymorphism for Discovery Chemists in Cambridge. |
26th March 2015Annual Symposium of the UK 850 MHz Solid-State NMR FacilityAt the annual symposium of the UK 850 MHz Solid-State NMR Facility, Manjunatha Reddy gave a talk entitled “Understanding Self-Assembly Process at Molecular Level: Structure and Function of Guanosine Derivatives” |
25th March 2015Publication featured as ACS Editors’ choice articleA publication in Biochemistry entitled: "Probing the Molecular Architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana Secondary Cell Walls Using Two- and Three-Dimensional 13C Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy" has been featured as an ACS Editors’ choice article – this represents a collaboration between Warwick and the group of Professor Paul Dupree in Cambridge. |
20th March 2015Steven Brown was opponent at PhD exam in StockholmSteven Brown was opponent at the PhD exam of Boris Kharhov (supervisor Sergey Dvinskikh) in the Department of Chemistry at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. |
2nd February 2015 |
22th January 2015Ann-Christin is awarded a Newton International FellowshipAnn-Christin has been awarded a Newton International Fellowship by the Royal Society. The project is "Organometallics in the Solid State: Advanced Structure Elucidation by NMR Crystallography", supervised by Steven Brown. |
15th January 2015Scott King GraduatesCongratulations to Dr Scott King who graduated today! We wish him every success in the future. |
12th January 2015Simone and Kristian joins the groupWelcome to Simone Kosol who is starting a postdoc with Józef Lewandowski and Kristian Barnsley who is starting a master project with Steven Brown. |
8th December 2014Seminar at Cardiff UniversitySteven Brown gave a seminar at the Department of Chemistry, Cardiff University entitled: “Solid-State NMR and NMR Crystallography of Organic Solids: Probing Structure-Directing Interactions in Pharmaceuticals and Supramolecular Chemistry” |
3rd December 2014Rob Kelly defended his PhD thesisCongratulations to Rob Kelly who successfully defended his thesis today. |
11th November 2014JACS Spotlights paper - Lewandowski groupA paper by Jonathan Lamley, Dinu Iuga, Carl Öster and Józef Lewandowski in collaboration with Stephan Grzesiek (Basel, Switzerland) and Ago Samoson (Tallinn, Estonia) on quantitative NMR spectroscopy of large protein complexes at fast spinning frequencies has been published in JACS. The approach described in the manuscript enables obtaining structural and dynamics measurements on hundreds of kDa protein complexes in quantities as small 2 nanomoles. |
17th September 2014pNMR Conference in CambridgeJózef Lewandowski gave invited lecture entitled "Applications of Paramagnetic Effects to Study Protein Complexes by Solid-state NMR" at Paramagnetic NMR Conference in Cambridge. Sam Page and Greg Rees presented posters. |
1st to 4th September 2014 |
1st - 3rd September 2014CCPN conference ScarboroughJózef Lewandowski gave an invited talk entitled “Fast magic angle spinning: from protein dynamics to structural studies of large protein complexes in nanomolar quantities" at the 2014 CCPN conference in Scarborough. Matt Lougher and Carl Öster presented posters. |
26th August |
26th AugustJACS spotlight paperA paper in collaboration with Jeff Davis (Maryland, USA) resulting from an EPSRC-funded project of guanosine self-assembly has been published in JACS and featured as a spotlight article. |
16th July 2014BRSG Summer meetingMiri Zilka and Greg Rees gave lectures at the BRSG Summer meeting in Nottingham. At the BRSG AGM, Steven Brown stood down from the BRSG committee after 9 years of service (Secretary 2007 to 2010, Chair 2010 to 2013. |
30th June 2014Invited lecture at EUROMARSteven Brown gave an invited lecture entitled "Applications of High-Resolution 1H Solid-State NMR methods to supramolecular self-assembly and Pharmaceuticals" at the EUROMAR conference in Zurich. |
25th June 2014Members of the group gave talks and presented posters at the NMRDG Postgraduate meeting in NottinghamAiden Robertson and Greg Rees gave talks entitled "Characterising Molecular Self-Assembly by High Resolution 1H Solid-State NMR" and "Characterisation of platinum-based fuel cell catalyst materials using 195Pt wideline Solid-State NMR". Miri Zilka and Gemma Candy also presented posters. 10 members of the group attended the meeting. |
24th June 2014NMR football team wins silver medalThe NMR 5-a-side football team came in second place in the Warwick 5-a-side cup. They also reached the Champions League quarter final after winning their league. Aiden Robertson, Stephen Day, Rob Kelly, Jonathan Lamley, Frederik Roemer, Jimmy Edgell and Carl Öster played for the team. |
20th June 2014Seminar at UNED, MadridSteven Brown gave a seminar entitled “Solid-State NMR of Organic Solids: Probing Structure-Directing Interactions in Pharmaceuticals and Supramolecular Chemistry” at the Department of Chemistry, UNED, Madrid, Spain at the invitation of long standing collaborator, Professor Rosa Claramunt. |
12th June 2014Workshop at AstraZeneca, MacclesfieldMiri Zilka gave a lecture entitled “Modelling dissolution & crystal growth” at a workshop on understanding Dissolution attended by researchers from Warwick, Nottingham and Sheffield Universities. |
Postdoc position available in Lewandowski groupPostdoctoral position in structural biology of trans-AT polyketide synthases is available in Lewandowski group is available from July 1 2014. |
3rd June 2014 |
18th May 2014Marie Curie meeting in VeniceMiri Zilka, Carl Öster, Steven Brown and Józef Lewandowski and other researchers from Warwick and industrial collaborators from e.g., AstraZeneca and Pfizer attended a 2-day meeting for the Centre for Analytical Science Innovative Doctoral Programme at Warwick in Venice. |
16th May 2014European Symposium on Biological and Organic Chemistry (ESBOC), Gregynog, Wales.Manju and Aiden gave posters at the ESBOC meeting. |
1st May 2014Manju attended the EPSRC Directed Assembly Network Beyond the Molecule meetingManju attended the EPSRC Directed Assembly Network Beyond the Molecule meeting entitled Observing, Measuring and Controlling Molecular Assembly at the National Physics Laboratory in London |
15th April 2014Becky Stevens joins the groupBecky will be doing her AS:MIT project on "Characterization of protein motions with 13C relaxation measurements in the solid state" supervised by Józef Lewandowski. |
14th April 2014Greg Rees joins the groupGreg Rees rejoins the NMR group to work on the development and application of solid state NMR in the study of catalytic materials with John Hanna. |
10th April 2014Members of the group attended NMRDG Spring Meeting in CambridgeMatt Lougher and Carl Öster attended the NMR in Structural Biology conference organised by the NMR Discussion Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry in Cambridge. |
9th April 2014Hiroki Takahashi gave a talk at WarwickHiroki Takahashi returned to Warwick to give a talk entitled “DNP-enhanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy and magnetic resonance force microscopy for structural biology” |
3rd April 2014 |
31st March 2014Members of the group attended the Southampton NMR Opening EventManju, Gemma, Sam and Josh attended the opening event for the brand new NMR facility at the University of Southampton. |
26th March 2014Józef Lewandowski and Jon Lamley attended ENC in BostonJózef Lewandowski gave a talk entitled “Protein Dynamics in the Solid State” at the ENC in Boston. Jon Lamley gave a poster on the subject “Solid-State NMR of Nanomolar Quantities of Protein Complexes at 60-100 kHz Magic Angle Spinning” |
24th March 2014 |
21st March 2014Steven Brown gave a seminar at Aix-Marseille UniversityInvited by Pierre Thureau, Steven Brown gave a seminar entitled "Solid-State NMR of Organic Solids: Probing Structure-Directing Interactions in Pharmaceuticals and Supramolecular Chemistry" |
27th January 2014 |
6th January 2014 |
6th January 2014 David Bryce from the University of Ottawa, Canada is visiting our group from 6th January to 29th January as an IAS Fellow. As part of this visit a symposium has been organised entitled "NMR Crystallography: Combining Experiment and Calculation". |
16th December |
12th November |
3rd December |
2nd December |
28th October |
23rd October |
10th October |
30th September |
24th September |
8th to 12th September |
1st September |
22nd August |
7th August |
30th July |
17th July |
30th June - 5th July Józef Lewandowski gives a talk at Euromar 2013Józef Lewandowski presented a talk at Euromar 2013 held in Hersonissos, Crete. Józef's talk was titled "Site-Specific Protein Dynamics in the Solid State Probed by 13C and 15N Relaxation Measurements Employing Magic Angle Spinning Frequencies up to 100 kHz". John Hanna also presented a poster titled "A Solid State 31P, 43Ca and 29Si MAS and DOR NMR, and GIPAW DFT Study of A-Tricalcium Phosphate and Si-Substituted A-Tricalcium Phosphate Bioactive Materials" |
12th June |
21st May |
21st May |
3rd May |
26th April |
15th April |
11th April |
3rd April |
1st April |
4th March |
9th January |
1st January |
2012 News and older is now in the archive. |